My Theory:

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by antigone, Dec 19, 2008.

  1. Only the insane are truly happy.
  2. I think everyone is insane on some level.

    I mean, what is the definition of "Sane"... Whose to say what "Sane" is.
  3. Why do you think the Joker always has a smile on his face?
  4. All the crazys at the insane asylum walk around with their hands tucked into their shirts believing they are Napolean; and you know what? They are in their mind! They can achieve the impossible! :smoke:
  5. When you can take your fore-finger and rub your lips with it up and down....going"blablabla" you have truly entered BLISS. :)
  6. it is a very fine line between sane and insane, and i think i've been tight-rope walking for a while now. I can tell you I'm not entirely happy, but i can also tell you im not sane...
  7. Don't you just love E?
  8. Don't forget your 5htp. ;) Multivitamin as well...
  9. Sanity is relative...

    Our definition of "sane" is based off of false personas who do not truely exist in societey.
  10. i used to... until my doctor prescribed me to prozac and now i cant take it. I dont even wanna be on the prozac... hasn't had any negative effects, but i havent really noticed any positive ones either... so, the negatives outweigh the positives since i can't take LSD, MDMA or 5htp because of the reactions that happen in combination with prozac (basically, lsd and mdma do nothing when someone is on prozac)
  11. [... so, the negatives outweigh the positives since i can't take LSD, MDMA or 5htp because of the reactions that happen in combination with prozac (basically, lsd and mdma do nothing when someone is on prozac)[/quote]

    So its true that its possible to stop a LSD trip? I've heard there are ways to "turn a trip off" so to say, but i didn't think any of them where true.

    Ive heard that if you take an anti-depressant while trippin you trip stops
  12. So its true that its possible to stop a LSD trip? I've heard there are ways to "turn a trip off" so to say, but i didn't think any of them where true.

    Ive heard that if you take an anti-depressant while trippin you trip stops[/quote]

    well, an SSRI takes like, 3 weeks to fully kick in... so unless your actually prescribed/taking A-D, then i doubt popping a prozac would stop your acid trip...

    however, if i were to drop acid, i would experience little to no effects because of my prozac prescription

  13. i'm so sorry for you. im sooo fucking sorry for you
  14. Or those who lack a certain amount of intelligence as a fellow blade on here pointed out to me today.
  15. in bosnian the word insan (in-sawn) means sane, normal person.

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