My teacher called my house

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Zerkii, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. It's the last week of my senior year, and my dealer caught up with me before school on like Tuesday. He asked if I wanted to smoke, so I threw down $10 and so did he. We rolled up a great blunt outside, and smoked it as we walked from the train to the school.
    We get into the school, past security and everything, and I suddenly realize: fuck I'm high as shit and I have a final in economics.
    I find my classroom and walk in, 10 minutes late, so everyone is staring at me like :eek: because I reek like crazy. My friend who sits all the way in the opposite corner of the room looks at me and mouths "Leave" to me, but I'm like nah man I'm good. So I go up to the teacher who gives me my test.
    I take the test, forget what everything is, and couldn't stop thinking about that song "Good Vibrations" and was apparently rocking back and forth in my chair. I finish the test, look down at my desk FUCK NO PENCIL
    I look around frantically, like shit shit shit, none of my friends have a pencil, the only person who has one is this hot chick in front of me. I'm not sure if I can even speak at this point, as I hadn't said one thing since I stepped in the building, and my mouth is dry as fuck.
    I tap her on the shoulder and ask for a pencil, she hands it to me and I drop it. I fill in the little bubbles and hand the test in to my teacher. So now I'm sitting at my desk, 15 minutes before the class ends high as shit. My friends who are sitting behind me start talking to me (teacher is chill about talking, most people were done by now).

    Gabriel: " fucking smell like straight weed"
    Gabriel: "Do you realize what you have done? Fucking Andrew (sits right behind me) is fucked up"
    Me: "...?"
    Andrew: "What the fuck man."
    Me: ":D"

    So I go through the rest of the day high as fuck and people pointing it out and I'm just like yeeeeee.

    So I get home, check the answering machine, and the fucking teacher called and he's like "Hi it's blah blah from blah blah high school, just wanted to let you know that your son came into class smelling like marijuana today blah blah blah" and I'm all DELETE

    Next day I walk into class, and the kid who sits next to me smells like weed and I'm like god dammit dude.

  2. You must have the chillest teacher in the world if that's all she did.
  3. I doubt I would have been suspended, it's the last day of school on Monday.
  4. Um, no offense and all, but you, my friend, are an idiot. This is why people who smoke grass have a bad name. Get your fucking shit together dude.
  5. An idiot for smoking before the last week of school? I don't see how.
  6. Well, marijuana is a recreational substance to be used on your downtime, just like alcohol. You know, you use when you don't have important shit to do, like say, oh, I don't know, a fucking ECON FINAL. Save that shit for when you are done, then you wouldn't have looked like a bumbling fool and your teacher wouldn't have called home.

    And like the other poster said, your teacher is cool as shit that that's all she did. I know teachers that would have called the cops on your ass. Gather it man, for fucks sake.
  7. It's not illegal for you to be high, and the final wasn't even scheduled for that day. We were supposed to be finishing up a movie we were watching.
  8. i used to go to class baked everyday, only way i could tolerate school
  9. Whatever man, I'm not going to argue with you about it. I think it's wrong and irresponsible to be high at school, but if you think it's ok, then roll with it, I suppose.
  10. yo howl, name callin dont fly here bro, and people go to school high everyday, take a risk n live a little
  11. QFT.

    Don't do it before school brothan!
  12. Ok, I'll chill on the name calling, but if you think you learn better when you are high, you're being delusional. Also, it's disrespectful to the education staff.
  13. disrespectful? you gotta be joking, and yea i got add and anxiety and bud helps me focus so you have absolutely no clue what ya talkin about
  14. :rolleyes:

  15. Not everyone gets the same effects from a certain substance. If you can't handle your shit when your blown, only smoke when your chillin with time to relax. Some people smoke like a chimney, so they are more used to the effects and so can tolerate, control, and function normally when under the influence.
  16. So nobody thinks that being high during a class, that a teacher who may not like pot, is teaching, is disrespectful? Would you go to class drunk?

    I'm honestly shocked, and a little appalled, that nobody has any disregard for anybody but themselves in here.

    I like to smoke as much as the next person, but I know to keep my personal and my professional life separated. And school is your professional life, don't think that it's not.
  17. i dont think it's disrespectful in the least bit, cause im not a fumbling idiot when im high, i can handle my shit

  18. Alcohol and Bud have totally different effects; you can't even compare the two. Who gives a fuck if your teacher is against one of your activities, just don't go flaunting it around. Get high, get through class, probably even pay more attention than you normally would, get some munchies; nothing wrong with that. I'll NEVER go to class inebriated by alcohol but I sure as hell would go fucking BLOWN outta my mind.
  19. I can handle my shit too, I just don't think it's a good idea. I mean, the teacher clearly felt disrespected enough to call home, right? Do we just completely disregard other people's feelings because we want to get high?

    I understand I'm coming down a little hard, I am not in school, I am a working adult. And you better believe that this wouldn't fly in a workplace, unless you work at like a head shop or something. If you don't start treating school like work, you are going to have problems down the road.
  20. #20 tokinbud420, Jun 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2010
    thou art killin my buzz man..

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