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My strongest high ever wasnt that nice

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by CagedToker, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. #1 CagedToker, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2012
    So I picked up some fantastic cheese and I finished work early on the Friday. Because it was the last working day this year we went to the pub and had a few drinks so I was a little drunk because we finished at 11 am

    So i got home and I helped myself to a good few bongs then had a pipe in the bath.

    My god! I have never been that high before and the alcohol didn't help. After walking around the kitchen for far to long I looked at myself in the mirror and I had a really unpleasant ( for lack of a better word) trip. I was scared by how stoned I looked and kept thinking I looked barely human. I musta been looking at myself heavily breathing for ages.

    It annoyed me because I use weed to improve myself and being that messed up felt like I was abusing my mind.

    Anyone else feel this way?

    ~Good martial artists and good stoners need the same traits. Control, timing and a good set of lungs - Myself
  2. Hey, here's an idea. How about you learn how to spell and use correct grammar?!?!?
  3. Drinking before smoking often has ill effects for me. Bad highs just happen due to stress occasionally. Just let the high settle in a little better next time man.
  4. Ha! Wow that was a mess. You'll have to excuse the bad English I took some punches from sparing today and I'm pretty high! Edited it though

    ~Good martial artists and good stoners need the same traits. Control, timing and a good set of lungs - Myself
  5. Yeah might have been the drink, I did fall about a lot and feel heavy. Iv smoked then drank and been fine lots of times though!

    ~Good martial artists and good stoners need the same traits. Control, timing and a good set of lungs - Myself
  6. Yeah people think because it's a pretty mellow drug in terms of a lot of other things, weed can't be scary but it can. Luckily everything scary about weed's just with the mind, though.
  7. Well that's not very nice
  8. Nevermind, didn't see it had been edited
  9. Changed my sig so maybe we can avoid this in the future!

    ~WARNING: My English skills are directly linked to how high I am~

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