Hi guys, returning forum user, forgot my last ones details and email Heres a story of the unbelievable coming true, enjoy. I was chilling out, like every night. This night was different though, I had no weed because I smoked my stash the night before. All night I sat, watching some bullshit on TV and finding something to do, sleep wasn't an option, its for the weak. I lit myself a cigarette, and then it happened. I stubbed my butt out on my locker-side bed. It clicked, I dont know why I didnt think of it soon. I stubb my smokes on the locker and put them in, so there's going to be joint butts I remembered. I got 5 joint butts, ripped them open, picked out the weed and had enough for a blunt. P.S Wheres the complaint section? The captcha with the jigsaw is too fucking complicated while stoned!
That's awesome man. I found some bud today actually. I was looking for my other bong bowl and as I'm going through all my stuff I found a bag that had probably a lil over a gram in it. Pretty decent stuff lol Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum