My Spiel on Religion

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Vard0n, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. To preface this, here is my “rant” about organized religion. At an early age I was always put off by the religious hierarchy and dogma of the Roman Catholic Church (I was raised Roman Catholic, I know it is generic) because it didn't seem divine at all. If anything, the church came off as uncomfortably human, filled with greed, hatred, and deceit. Not to say that all churches operate in such a manner, but in my personal experience most did.

    Here is my spiel about general religion. As an idea, Religion is infallible, beautiful, and fulfilling but in the hands of man, it inherently becomes flawed and corrupt. How can a man have jurisdiction on laws claimed to be those of God? God is perfection in its definition, unchanging and ubiquitous perfection. I hate using the term “playing god” because it has been coined by religious fanatics but I hate when religious hierarchies “play god”. Religion should be esoteric and intrapersonal.

    I believe in God, but nothing close to the conventional Judeo-Christian depiction. God is a force, outside of time, outside of deviation; God is perfection, a single state. This force is unconscious; it has no thoughts or opinions, just perfection. This force is incomprehensible to me, as it should be. I never put a face on God, because it is matterless. This force transcends existence, while vicariously guiding the ebb and flow of the universe.
  2. Pfft, yeah right.

    You're kidding youreslf. He's about 7'2, wears a white robe, and has a long white beard. You better get your ass back to mass or our loving Lord will burn your flesh and feed you your entrails YOU FUCKING SINNER

  3. Good sarcasm, Madrid.

    Sounds like you are a diest, but diesm isn't plausible, for as one who rejects organized religion on a rational basis through empirical scientific evidence need not a god to explain the universe.
  4. Stop, that last part is getting me horny.

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