Some of you may remember my thread about me fronting money and getting "stood up" (fuck you whoever gave me shit for that lol i kid but really) Anyway, this is part 2 This fucking asshole manages to get kicked out the day he was gonna hook me up. He still had that 40 dollars. Fast forward a couple weeks, I hit him up on facebook. Yesterday he was all "Alright 6:30 at -Supermarket-" So im like alright finally. He doesn't show AGAIN He is planning on giving me some on Friday, because he apparently sold MY bud to someone else. Here are the facebook messages complete without names for obvious reasons. The messages that say chilll are mine. September 30 at 8:36pm Chillll -hey man whts up.. still waiting for that dank bro, ill know ull come through though. send a msg back with a time and place. im expecting two grams? Sent via Facebook Mobile October 1 at 8:28am next week im getting it imma get it to u imma tlk to u next weeek about it our this weekend Chillll October 1 at 3:25pm alright so next week? October 1 at 7:35pm yea Chillll October 7 at 7:53pm Hey is tomorrow good? Sent via Facebook Mobile October 7 at 9:03pm im getting it saterday i will giv it to u satarday evening Chillll October 8 at 5:34pm K 7:30 at --? Sent via Facebook Mobile October 8 at 11:29pm perfect Chillll October 9 at 11:24am Hey man might have to make this a late pickup..I'm getting back late tonight from a hotel and 10:30 would be a better time, thy good? Sent via Facebook Mobile October 10 at 12:18pm wat about todAYE lik3 6:30 Chillll October 10 at 1:21pm Sounds good see u there Sent via Facebook Mobile Chillll October 10 at 7:45pm wht happened waited till 7. no offense but this is sketchy man. Every time we pick a time I end up going home with no bud. Chillll October 10 at 7:55pm Also I saw u told a girl u had a new phone, u want to give me ur #? October 10 at 10:51pm naw i was just lieing to her just cause thats my bitch Chillll October 11 at 8:57am Alright well what about today at 7:30 u have it or not? Sent via Facebook Mobile October 11 at 9:26pm not nomore but i got u on friday sorry for postponeing it bro dont worrie imma get it to u bro causee im not bout to play u cause u kool Chillll October 12 at 5:40am It's cool man. So Wht happened though y don't u hav it anymore? Sent via Facebook Mobile October 12 at 9:21am cause i sold it to someone else The fuck is wrong with this guy?
Just say i want my 40 buxs back and be done w/ it. Done let some1 run u around anymore man. If he seriously had bud for you i doubt he would sell it to some1 else. Good luck bro...try growing next year Bunga
The only reason I put up with him is becuase He is most likely my only "connection" I cant really risk losing him if he actually is LEGIT, so If he doesnt give me bud this friday I am instantly asking for my money back
I paid 20 bucks a gram for this shit so if its shitty in any way i will get pissed as hell. I know this guy smokes but he somehow cant fucking give me any god damn weed.
Do exactly what NewGuy said to do. You ARE getting played. At this rate I don't ever see you getting that bag. Get his number and blow up his damn phone, he has your money man at least get it back. Thats some shit.
this. you are like a dog with a fuckin fishin pole duct taped to its back dangling a hot dog in front of its face, running around going nowhere with shit for brains
Guys believe me I would have kicked his ass long ago if I thought it would have benifited me. No, he doesn't know he's my only option. I don't know he's black and if I threaten him he will probably get a shit load of people to beat me. I could take him myself but..
c'mon dude everyone knows the number one rule isn't don't front money. it's don't front black people.
i know what you mean man im sick of dealing with a bunch of unreliable motherfuckers. Excuse the language but why do they have to play all these stupid games what happened to i give you the money and you give me the weed?? this shit is ridiculous!
Exactly I'm like seriously what the he'll if I was a dealer this shit would be cut and dry not fucking screw with my customers
you are getting playeddddd so hard dude, you are never going to see that 40 bucks or bud, trust me. a tip is you come off as needy, very needy. next time you talk to him just say "you got that bud or not" "haohdhkloshodldkfld dribble" "whatever man, i'll get it from someone else" BAM then just dont talk to that asshole again, sry you got played man
Are you fucking kidding me? This peice of SHIT has my money AND he left me fucked over 2 times, AND Its been a month since I've given him the money. How the FUCK do I come off as needy
okay not needy, just easy to push around i guess, if you've been putting up with this shit for a month and he keeps making excuses you aren't gettin anything, cut your losses and move on bro