My second rant of the day

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Tinkerbell26, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. My stepdad has been outta work since April. He has since not even attempted to get a job. I in fact found him TWO jobs,one was as a manager at walmart all he had to do was show up and the lady would have given him the job bc me and her daughter are friends. The other job was at an air force base and he claimed it was too far to drive(45 min). He got offered a job at Ga power and electric plant where they make GOOD money all he had to do was fill otu the application form. He wouldnt fill the application out himself he wanted me and my mom to do it for him. Another man offered him a job and he never would call the guy back. He claims its bc hes "waiting on the Lord" yes thats right waiting on the lord to find him a job. He lies to the unemployment office about looking for a job so he can continue to recieve a check. I cannot wait until dec when he quits recieving them and his ass has no choice but to get a job. All he does during the day is watch HELL DATE and TYRA. Im busting my hump trying to sell avon,find a job and taking a masters course. I just dont know how my mother can stay with a LAZY ass man.
  2. My mother's boyfriend is the same way.

    I've learned that if neither of them support me financially, what they do with their money is their business.

    If he doesn't wanna get a job, thats on him...He's going to be asking the good lord for some salvation once his bills start piling on and he sees he missed all those good opportunities he passed up, only having to take the first minimum wage job he can find.

  3. Oh to see him ask if you want fries with that makes me [​IMG]

    i hope i never marry a lazy man id rather jut be by myself

  4. For sure homie.

    I've learned to stay out of my parents lives. I'm a big boy now, I dont depend on them for cash at all. I've come to learn that any financial hardship that they may have, thats just their problem. If Im in a situation where I can help, shit, gladly...but I'm not so I just worry about myself.

    if your step dad wants to sit there scratching his balls watching Tyra, thats his problem. Dont stress over it, looks like you have enough to deal with.
  5. you must have read my other post should see the orginal my mom is nuts that goes into the past about how she made me take a pregnancy test when i was TEN bc my period was a DAY late....yes i live with insanity...there were times when i was in middle school i thought about suicide and what stopped me was that i knew that id soon be able to get a job and leave her crazy ass behind.
  6. Always try to look on the brighter side of things. Your parents sounds like people I would cut out of my life and never look back on them.

    The fact that your mother would ever do something like that to you, sounds like she had major insecurities when she was a child, or in effect, in fact DID maybe start having sex when she was just about that age, 10.

    Continue to strive to make a better life for yourself. Work your way to the top and get the fuck out as soon as you have the first opportunity. People like your parents dont deserve a taste of your future success.

    In a situation like this, always remember that saying no doesn't make you a bad person. Thinking of only yourself and your own well being doesn't make you selfish either.
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  7. Lieing to collect unemployment is Fraudulent and I can tell you Im 99% sure its a felony actually.....Not sure about unemployment, but with Welfare its like that, so I would imagine unemployment as well, unless welfare and unemployement is the same thing in which case it is a really high so im done typing now
  8. yes she also has chocked me,slapped me and hit me in my boobies when they were developing....yes ive done my fair share of crying [​IMG]she even once accused me and my stepdad of having an affair as you can see i think my stepdad is a borish lazy piece of shit so ew ew EWWWWWWWWW. When i had a wreck when i was 18 two days after the wreck she started to yell at me about washing the dishes. I told her id do them after i type my paper. She got mad and started to lunge for me and scream and yell and tried to hit me......ok imma stop typing now bc im tearing up...anyways yeah.

  9. Tinkerbell, it sounds like you're in a really shitty situation. Fuck those people, get out ASAP.
  10. yes i know im working on it i hope to find a job soon....especially since gas is lower :)
  11. Idea #1: Look for work for yourself, not stepdad. :rolleyes:
    Idea #2: Move the fuck out after YOU find a job.
    Idea #3: Stop playing the victim.
  12. Dam! who turns down a GOOD job in favor of collecting UI

    Must be MAJOR lazy.

    I want a job rite now, but i'm on crutches for the next 4 months so no one will hire me, until i get off them.

    Mom is a nutter, dad is a lazy ass, sounds like a recipe for EPIC PHAIL
  13. I am trying to find a job and move thats the irony of it i was able to find him one but not not playing victim im just ranting dont like it dont look simple as that.
  14. I'd tell him that I have no respect for him and that he is what is wrong with society. And that he is a pathetic excuse for a man..

    My dad may piss me off a lot, and be an ass sometimes but at least he works, and even when he was on strike for 7 months he always had some sort of odd job to make ends meet, and for that I respect him.

    Happy Toking.:smoke:
  15. exactly i found him a job through a friend whose mom was a manager at walmart she decided who to hire and she said if he came in and told her who he was (ie her daughters friends stepdad) shed give job as manager over the SHOE dept the easiest part of the store he flat out wouldnt go she even HELD the job for him for days [​IMG]yeah hes in my best friends word trifling as hell lol.


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