My President is Black

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Phat Blunt, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. My lambo is blue?
  2. My balls are blue.
  3. great first post.
  4. 22 inch rims like Hulk Hogan's arms
  5. and i'll be god-damned if my rims aint too
  6. finally someone gets it right.
  7. only president i know of is the one that i want to drive over with my car.
  8. Barack O'drama
  9. yo it dont matter wat color the president is, he could be mexican or motherfuckin asain,DOESN"T MATTER!! the goverment is still gona be fucked up and presidents are just PUPPETS!:) that announces the new bullshit of the media fuck the goverment!! VIVA REVOLUTION!!!
  10. LOL

    and obama isnt black

  11. i know lol he is a weird brown turd color..

    nah, he gets enough makeup put on to look like a preop tranny. thats what i see at least
  12. My President is Oreo
  13. My President is white

    & like 50% black or somethin
  14. I prefer to call him "Milk Chocolate"
  15. #16 alaskanman, Apr 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2009
    Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side. He is 43.75% Arabic, and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. Also he is a descendant of the Arab slave traders. Kinda throws the whole African American thing out the window. LMAO! Obama's just a cracker that was left in the oven to long. LOL!

  16. Weird brown turd color? Gtfo, we don't need that shit here.
  17. amazing how many have no idea what this is referring to. lucky bastards

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