I had 5 little seedlings flourishing nicely, then the next day, i go to look at them and they are all shriveled up and dead. What happend? i did not over water them, had them on a 12/12 light cycle. What went wrong?
Seedlings on a 12/12 light? That is probably what happened! not enough light. For seedlings under lights, the lights need to be on anything from 24/24 to 18/6 for the first few weeks of growth, you turn the lights back to 12/12 for flowering only. Plant again! Good luck. PS. If you want i can e-mail a growing guide for you? let me know your e-mail ok..
ok now i see what i did wrong, mcurry you already emailed me a growing guide but i accidently deleted it. email is ksjo923@hotmail.com thanks! now i just gotta find some seeds and wait until next year.