I have a plant in my backyard that is getting taller than I expected. It's got a thick sturdy stalk so I am scared to top it. But it is above my fence line and I don't want neighbors or thieves to be able to see it. Any advice? Thanks
Ive super cropped alot of my girls and nothing bads ever come of it. Growweedeasy.com has a good description on how to do it.. but basically grab stem squeeze super hard till its soft and bend it over. Without breaking the stem completely. The outside of the stem shouldn't tear much if at all. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
Yea just super crop the shit out of it. Dont be afraid. It's gonna sound nasty but that's ok. Just try not to tear it open. If it does you could just put tape and let it heal. You'll be surprised how crazy these plants are
Keep in mind that plants will double in height when it goes into flower. Some don't but plan as if it will double that way u don't come across surprises. This means you gotta supercrop as low as possible and maybe scrog it so that it can't grow straight up. Otherwise neighbors and thieves will see everythin in a matter of no time