My plan

Discussion in 'General' started by 420gitrdone, Nov 4, 2011.

  1. So there's this girl that I really really like and I have one class with her. I don't get any chances to talk to her but I just can't go on anymore without doing anything about this. So I'm just planing on being straightforward and going up to her at lunch while no one is sitting at her table yet and say "what would u say if I asked u out right now?" I expect her to say no because she doesn't know me and if she says that I'll say "if u give me your number we can get to know each other." if she says yes I'll be the happiest guy alive.
  2. Nag just say.

    "Hey bitch you me din din tonight my place. Ma's cooking."
  3. lol this niggga
  4. I'll see how it goes tomorrow. Hoping for the best. I really like this girl.
  5. She probably will say no if she doesn't know you. Make small talk first.
  6. “Go out” is a rather ambiguous term. Instead, show her that you’ve given this some thought.

    What do you plan to do if she says, ‘yes’?

    Ask her if she’d like to do that. Be specific, but also open to her suggestions. Let her know that you’ve wanted to ask her out for a while now, and then tell her why. How does she interest you? Is there anything that you might have in common? Do you find her mysterious, alluring, beautiful, and intelligent? Personalize the conversation to show that you are interested in her and that you are not just using some random pickup line.

    It sounds like you really do like her.

    What positive points do you have to offer? This isn’t a job résumé, but you can speak well for yourself. Going in with a defeatist attitude won’t help.

    Make eye contact, smile, and be polite. If you don’t think she knows who you are, introduce yourself properly.

    Cheers! :)
  7. She knows who I am cuz I'm in her class and she sees me all the time. The thing is I just don't have any opportunities Yo make small talk with her. I've talked to her a little for like a group work thing but thts it. I'm almost positive she sneaks looks at me during class. She always turns around to talk to her friend behind her and when she's turning around she sometimes stops and looks In my direction. I always catch it out the corner of my eye so I may not be right but I think I am. Shes not your typical blonde with a pound of make on. She blonde with little make up and on the shy side and has the cutest smile. I think she's beautiful.
  8. Habe Confidence! (notsaying u don) walk in the room like a fucking rock star own the place! Then go up to her and ask her out tell her where your gonna go make the decisions to an extent that your not controlling.

  9. Perhaps work a class type question in there, or ask if she wants to do some studying togather? :smoke:
  10. Instead say:

    "You know what, I realized you and I don't know each other very well. How about we exchange numbers and fix that?"
  11. [quote name='"Mogwai"']Instead say:

    "You know what, I realized you and I don't know each other very well. How about we exchange numbers and fix that?"[/quote]

    I like the sound of that.
  12. All I have to do now is work up the confidence to do this. I've never done this before but I like the girl too much to let this slide by. I'm really trying to stay on the positive and hope she doesn't completely turn me down. If I walk out with no number or nothing I will be a very sad man.
  13. I need to find a date too and gonna make my date some dinner and go out to do something...

    Just gotta find that special someone but right now I'm proud to be a loner sorta.
  14. Don't tell yourself you'll be sad. That'll just make it harder to have confidence... which is a vital key to success. Tell yourself if you get rejected it's no big deal because it really isn't

  15. ^This.

    If she says no then your in the same position you are now. So go for it man!
  16. I'll just work on getting her number and I'll take it from there. Ya I know I can't get sad but I really really really like this girl. Like call me corny or whatever but i have never felt like this about a girl before. I can't even imagine it not happening. Can someone help me with an approach of getting her number without her thinking I'm a weirdo?
  17. What I suggested earlier will work

    bitches luv the dicks


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