My opinion on bowls vs joints

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by ldarnell, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. #1 ldarnell, Jul 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2013
    This is just a random little thread on my opinions on smoking out of a glass pipe vs. smoking a joint or blunt. Sorry for posting it in The wrong section, not sure where to put it, but I'm stoned, so who cares.

    With bowls you can get high with less weed then you could a joint. While your smoking a bowl, once you reach your high you can put the cherry out and save the rest for the next day. Bowls are easier to pack then rolling a blunt or joint. Bowls are nice, and a piece of art. Easy to hide smell.

    Joints are easier to pass around a circle then pipes are. If you roll the joint or blunt then it's beautiful to you, and it feels good to know you created it. Joints are good to chill out and relax and light one up. You can eat the joint if a cop pulls you over. Once your left with the end of a joint you can throw it in a bowl, or get the weed out and save it.

    All in all I pick joints/blunts over bowls, it's just fun to roll them, and admire them, I feel like that increases my high more. I'm sorry if it's hard to weird some of my words but I'm high, so sorry. :smoking:

    I've also included pictures of my freshly cleaned pipe with a bowl packed just for you all to look at, enjoy.

    Anyways, what are your alls thoughts? Joints/blunts or a nice, glass pipe. This is just a random little thread on my opinions on smoking out of a glass pipe vs. smoking a joint or blunt.

  2. Do you like bongs and vaporizers? Lately I've been smoking out of my bongs but I definitely enjoy rolling every once in a while. If I'm in the car I'll definitely smoke papers though. Before I knew how to roll I'd hit the pipe while driving and it was such a pain. Before I leave the house I make sure I have at least 2 joints on me for that reason. Have you heard of doob tubes? They're waterproof and smell proof and they are AMAZING. They're so discreet and fit in your pocket. Those are also good for smoking in the car, you wont have to worry about your joints getting all fucked up.
  3. I don't like taking rips off of a bong, and I've never been lucky enough to use a vaporizer unfortunately. I actually have a doob tube somewhere in my closet. I was to stoned one day and got one of my skinny joints stuck in it, never bothered to get the joint out. But I feel like using a vaporizer wouldn't give you the full weed smoking experience. @[member="smokahontas"]
  4. I have many opinions when it comes to this.  Bowls are always nice because you get big hits of smoke off of some glass.  Joints are also nice cause it's more chill and relaxing to hang out and smoke a joint.  It depends on how small of joints you make cause sometimes you can be using less bud than a large bowl hit you would normally take.  Rolling joints I find to be enjoyable as I'm always trying to find the best paper and rolling techniques for them.  It just depends on my mood honestly and who I happen to be with and where I am.  Either way, both get you high.  But I'm starting to become more of a joint smoker than glass. Glass you have to clean because it can get really gross after a while and smell.  Joints when you're done smoking them you literally toss them out and don't have to deal with any cleanup.
  5. Love all bongs joints and blunts are awesome cuz you could do stuff while smoking pipes are just nice and cute
  6. Agree 100% and I'm excited to try vaping, blunts, and bongs hahaha I usually just fuck with my chillum and RAW papers
  7. its an absolute facking travesty that some folks think a bowl can be saved or shared, 1 hit people , 1 hit
    both have time and place for use, glass for bong  and OCB premium king slim  / quintessential roach mix for a joint
    That....sounds disgusting.
    But I'll try it the next time I see cops rollin' up.
  9. I got say bowl even though joints are way tastier
    Bowls conserve
    For me a joint or a blunt is a occasional late night snack or Galla event
  10. its better than a possession charge.
    RAW papers is where its at. if your a daily smoker blunts are just too harsh. a fat ass raw cone sounds great right about now.
  11. For sure man. I swear they burn so cleanly it's ridiculous, and if you get a proper roll they burn slow as fuck too.
    Get about two grams, roll a king size RAW, get lifted.
  12. Love all these posts. Never rolled with any raws. They don't sell them anywhere near me?
  13. it's gotta be bowls or pipes. they hit you harder and get you way higher, no doubt about it. a joint to me is almost pointless these days lol. it's sort of like a condom, not necessary. and bongs or buckets are even better than bowls!
    Happy Toking :) :bongin:
  14. Let me tell you. Bowls do conserve if you wanna get to that certain level. One bowl does not get you near as stoned. If you try to get stupid high off a bowl thats just a waste of time and that's where the joint comes in. Instead of keep having to reload your bowls just smoke a joint. 1 joint = 3 bowls and honestly they both get you at the same level. So don't say bowls Get you higher than joints that seems like a bias opinion
  15. It's kinda immature and probably not true but I believe people who diss joints so much either can't roll them right or too young to buy tthem joints are amazing
  16. #16 IBALL904, Aug 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2013
    You can order organic raw (hemp) or raw (unbleached paper) on eBay.
  17. I haven't wanted to smoke a joint since I started smoking...  From joints.  Bowls are easy to pass around, dabs too.  The thing I hate about joints is when somebody rolls one, offers it to me and I end up unable to smoke it because they did a shit job.  I'd rather not irritate myself trying to get high off a shitty joint by just smoking at least my hitter bat.
  18. You put it well :)
    Personally I really couldn't say which I prefer more. Joints are very relaxing to smoke but sooooo expensive :p 
  19. Elements > RAW
  20. DABS!!! Its all about that sweet sweet 710!!! Seriously though you're just playing with yourself if you don't hit the errl. Its the only way I can actually get stoned now. Lasts wayyyyy longer too unless you're taking dabs constantly all day. Even if you do you quickly get too high to be able to torch the nail without burning your dick off.

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