well this girl who i really like came over last night and spent the night. i had some corona and bud selects and me and her and my other friend got trashed in my living room. i had such a great night. this girl is wicked hot and so nice. i like her but shes seeing this other guy its one of those "kinda sorta" things. but reguardless my night kicked ass! i had to share that. it had to make up for shitty day.... my dog that ive had since i was 7 died yesterday unexpectedly so i was really down. some booze and friends and i was feeling alot better. im sorta fogged this morning so i smoke a big bowl of some wicked dank hydro headies. im feelin good now but so out of it since i barley got any sleep.
Sorry to hear about your dog. Glad to hear that you had a great night, hopefully that 'kinda sorta' deal doesn't work out and you can slide in. Good luck
sorry about your dog. but shit happens. Yah just got to come through it intact. Good that ya had a good time, your dog would have wanted it that way. As for me, I was drunk as fuck then got high as fuck. I was both for most of the night, then I went home, and fuckin slept like a baby.
that lasted 3 days. im nto gonna say i cnat live without it but it sure makes life a hell of alot easier
same here....even when i watch movies the bad guy can kill all the innocent people he wants and it doesnt bother me but when a dog gets shot or somethin it always gets to me edit: to make it even stranger i used to hunt a good bit and shooting deer/hogs/turkey never bothered me a bit