My new little bubbler

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by kyle944811, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Picked this guy up for $12 from a friend.


  2. Nice man I use to have one like that but it was yellow and blue. The stem under the bowl broke off on mine.
  3. [quote name='"Rokintreasr"']Nice man I use to have one like that but it was yellow and blue. The stem under the bowl broke off on mine.[/quote]

    That suuucks.

    I find that the bowl on this one is perfectly sized for a quick smoke.
  4. For 12 bucks that's a steal. I always like buying used glass from people because you save so much god damn money. Not to say I don't enjoy shopping for new glass when I have the money, but it's just not essential.
  5. [quote name='"UprightCitizen"']For 12 bucks that's a steal. I always like buying used glass from people because you save so much god damn money. Not to say I don't enjoy shopping for new glass when I have the money, but it's just not essential.[/quote]

    Yeah, I've gotten most of my pieces from friends. Thankfully they have good taste :smoke:

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