My new glass on glass bubbler.

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by mg1910, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Purchased this from the local headshop, really happy with it. Has a diffused downstem and hits very smooth. Sorry about pic quality

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  2. i thinks thats closer to a bong than a bub
  3. Cool piece, kinda ruins the convenience factor of a bubbler what with it having a bowl and stem but pretty neat still, never seen one like that. + rep
  4. It's a bubbler, not a bong.

    A lot of people like bubblers for convenience due to size, not because of the lack of a bowl.

    I don't think having the bowl makes it any harder than using a carb, definitely adds class though.
  5. I feel sorry for people with long hair who use that bubbler.

  6. haha, yeah i saw that too, :rolleyes::rolleyes:whats that smell.
  7. another

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  8. Very nice! How much did it cost you?
  9. nice pickup man
    i like the rasta in it. i would forsure burn my hair if i was rippin that :smoking:
  10. I have wanted a bubbler like this for years! Nice pick up man.

    I remember seeing a bubbler like this in a video of someone smoking salvia. Have wanted it ever since. I might just have one blown for me if I cant find one myself.:mad:
  11. super nice piece.

    the bowl looks really close to the mouthpiece tho :/
    does it burn your nose? hah
  12. my hair is kinda long and it doesnt get burned.
  13. they have the same one at a shop by my house, i wanted it haha
  14. I am really considering buying one, just hope it's in my price range!:)
  15. fuck i want a glass on glass bub. they had one at the headshop near me but they sold it before i could get back to the store with my wallet :(
  16. cool bubbler man.
  17. Damn I'd LOVE that! I want a bubbler with a removable slide that'd be amazing.

    Very nice piece man.
  18. can anyone tell me what size joint this is? 14.5 or 18.8?
  19. its 14.5, how much did u pay?
  20. nice little device man. i love bubblers. im afraid i would burn my big ass nose off with it tho:(

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