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My New Connect

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Flyin Hawaiian, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. So my new dealer gets medical from cali dispensaries and hes gotta several different strains what would you personally recommend?

    Grandaddy purp
    Green crack kush
    White widow
    Baby dro
    Orange kush
    Purple nurple
    Pineapple express
  2. Pineapple express for sure!
  3. #4 Deleted member 457210, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2020
  4. #5 Mrburntout, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2012
    Are you in a medical state? If not don't even pay attention to the names fuck that

    Edit: I'd go for the GDP, personal preference though I enjoy night toking more than day toking.
  5. White Widow
    Green Crack
  6. they all seem decent, but my favorite is "weed"
  7. thread title reminded me of this....

    [ame=]Family Guy- My Black Son - YouTube[/ame]
  8. [quote name='"Mrburntout"']Are you in a medical state? If not don't even pay attention to the names fuck that[/quote]

    My dealer gets his stuff from a dispensary in california ive seen this shit. This is green crack

    Attached Files:

  9. White FUCKING Widow all the way

  10. I came
  11. I think I remember u from yesterday how long have u known this dude if u don't mind me asking?
  12. [quote name='"tokesmoke69"']White FUCKING Widow all the way[/quote]

    Ive heard its pretty amazing also.
  13. Green crack, gdp, and pineapple express for sure
  14. [quote name='"420Juggalo610"']I think I remember u from yesterday how long have u known this dude if u don't mind me asking?[/quote]

    Ive known him for about a month.
  15. Pshhh , fuck all those strains .

    You sir need to clean your new connect out of his fine baby dro .

    Baby dro !!!!

  16. Oh be careful man it sounds like he's in ur area and not in cali. I had this dude that sent me some shit from the dispensary and he ran off with my money the second time around that's how I know that the pineaaple express is good
  17. Ak-47. Boom, headshot.
  18. what are his prices? cause dispensaries are more expensive than illegal... I don't think any dealer would bother getting it from a dispensary profit wouldn't be worth the investment.
  19. super glue if you can find it.

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