Well, having recently been inked up, I got the ink feverr, and wanted another one. But, I decided to do something a little less common. I went to shop after shop looking for someone who could do them..I got the archaric form of cantonese saying "Death by Rebellion." Chceck it out..its a lil blurry bc its a phone pic
yah same here,sounds reallly cool though,im thinking about getting a tat soon everyone in my family has atleast one. EDIT: oh now i can see it but its really blurry.
true, i see no tat der all i can see is a few lumps like stingin nettle stings ive got a few tats myself and thy look nothing at all like that
Oh I know man..I was trying to convey that in a joking manner..but sometimes its hard to do that via internet