my neighbors are growing

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by imap420, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. Skunk smell coming from my neighbors apartment is getting stronger by the day. It's almost overwhelming at this point. Want to tell him to get a carbon filter, but I also don't want to hint that I might be doing anything.
  2. print out a web page with carbon filters for sale and slip it under his door
  3. an anonymous note is good and all but u dont want to scare them off and make them harvest early. a small chat might be in order, or u could walk by loudly saying, "HMMMM THERE SEEMS TO BE A DEAD SKUNK SOMEWHERE AROUND HERE. I said THERE SEEMS TO BE A DEAD SKUNK, POSSIBLY IN THIS APARTMENT RIGHT HERE, I HOPE NO ONE CALLS THE AUTHORITIES FOR JUST A DEAD SKUNK. SOMEONE SHOULD MAKE IT NOT SMELL ANYMORE"
  4. Build him a ONA bucket disguised as a fruit basket:smoke:
  5. Is it bothering you? If not, then why worry? Don't you like the smell of fresh growing buds
  6. Just tell them you can smell them smoking sometimes. This way they wont panic.

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