well i just got my digital camera so i decided to show you my kickass turtles that my little sister caught in my neighbor's pond for me in June. their names are Cheech & Chong, and their favorite snack is shake hehehe. Cheech:
i have a fishtank filter in the aquarium, so they dont smell too bad, and its fun as hell to get ripped, turn on some music and park yourself in front of the tank, i bought 10 guppies at a pet store and dumped em in there and watched em chow down
you think thats sick get a couple of friends......save up a little money you can just blow.......buy japanese fighting fish and make bets as if it were a boxing match. Its pretty fun because choosing the fish is the best. You sometimes buy a fish and hes a badass and rips another fish. THen sometimes u might get a pussy fish that justs gets his ass kicked IM REAL STONED MAKE SENSE OF IT^ ez
me and my friend put a frog in there and they tagteamed it, and ended up eating its legs, it was hilarious