My life sucks!

Discussion in 'General' started by stevegrass2, May 23, 2012.

  1. I'm done with this joke. My parents are idiots! Everyone else in life is an idiot. I'm done with this game, I've lost it...guess i have nothing to do but stick around in this hellhole and see if i can regain something. Oh wait, NO!
  2. I remember when I was 13.
  3. I'm sure your life is pretty good compared to most. But you didn't give any detail so i could be wrong.

  4. Actually would be nice if I was 13, I would probably be better off! At least in that situation, I would be freaking out over something that would pass in the next few months. Shame I'm actually the legal age for this site! Shame I'm 20 and actually have important shit to worry over. Ah, the young days.

    To the second poster: Of course my life isn't that bad. I am perfectly well aware of the fact I could be living in a third world country dealing with starvation and all that, but hey I live in America with its oh so wonderful "white people problems". I've been conditioned to expect the utmost best from life and unfortunately, I'm getting the long dick of life. Fuck being a human, fuck society! Fuck this species!
  5. 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.
    1.4 billion on less than $1.25 a day.
    1.8 million people die annually because of Diarrhea .
    And your life sucks because ?????

  6. When you live in America, the only thing that matters are "white people problem". All that crap you said applies mainly to third word countries.

    My life sucks because I'm in a freakin' depression I CAN'T get out of! Oh boy, I don't have deadly dirrahea, but I'm going live life feeling like shit.

  7. This just in: Pepto-Bismol sales up 100%!

    Lol I didn't know that though...interesting.
  8. Get really high and really drunk

  9. Doesn't help at this point. Can't take acid or shrooms because of my mindset. And while I hate my life at the moment, I don't think hard drugs will do much to help.

  10. Have you talked to a doctor/therapist about your depression?

    If you're going to just throw in the towel and resign yourself to being unhappy, then there's not much anyone can do to help you.

    I'm sure there are millions of people in the world who would love to have your life instead of theirs. Start by focusing on what you have instead of what you're lacking. :confused_2:
  11. thats fucked up

    also i know how you feel OP. sometimes you just gotta let out all your frustration out and declare that your life sucks because it's so overwhelming and yes people can be idiots.
    but you'll get out of this funk i'm sure.
    i've also been dealing with depression and some days it fucking sucks. you don't wanna get out of bed, you don't wanna deal with all the assholes in the world and you feel like shit. at least that's how i feel.

    yes you don't live in a 3rd world country and don't live on less than 2dollars a day and you haven't died from diarrhea (yet? lol) but life can still feel pretty shitty sometimes. i get it. just try to relax and do something you enjoy doing. think of ways to fix your current situation and if you can't then talk to someone you trust or a professional.

    in the beginning i didn't want to start taking medications for 'depression' but after a failed suicide attempt i was pretty much forced to start taking them and i feel like they've actually helped me a lot.
  12. Try to make the thread somewhat interesting next time god damn

  13. I'm glad somebody understands. The shit I'm feeling right now... it sucks, which explains this post. Just the merely uttering that my life sucks helps deal with the shit I'm in, but its sad that ultimately, I'm in a hard struggle again. I've dealt with this shit before, and I've been free from it for awhile, but the out of fucking nowhere, I'm thrown under the depression bus again. The worse thing is I couldn't predict this depression of hell. I didn't even see it coming because I was so caught up with anxiety. That is the worse feeling.
  14. Just think to yourself there are a lot of people worse off than you are. At least you're not fighting in a war, have cancer, or lost your child...chill the fuckk out and grow up. Everyone has problems.

  15. Fuck problems. Everyone deals with problems differently. I'm not shooting down what you say (because it is very true), but some people just fucking finally lose it after a certain problem arises. The reason I'm in this depression is because I can't come to terms with this one problem I am dealing with.
  16. We all have problems, the fact that your still breathing is the solution. I'm not going to judge you for being human and feeling depressed, but the only way to snap out of it is to change something. Try a new hobby or go out and force yourself to be social, sulking in depression isn't going to help you get out of it.

  17. If you'd like to talk about the problem, I'm sure we'll all be willing to listen.

    I don't think any of us mean to trivialize what you're going through, but I'm sure in the big, grand, scheme of things you're probably not as unlucky as it may seem at the moment.
  18. yeah you sound like you've been dealing with the same shit i've been dealing with for the past 5 years. not everyone can fully understand our situations until they've experienced something similar or the same. if you ever feel like you need to talk and rant shoot me a message. i'm always happy to help. :smoke:
  19. Does life suck?.........Or do you suck at life?,M***********.

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