my leaves are dropping - is this ok?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by stvitusdance, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. sorry! i don't know how to send multiple pictures. i'm new at this.[​IMG]
  2. so you might be able to see that all my kiwi skunk big leaves are curling down. my one lowryder's big leaves are straight as a board. what do you guys think? is there something wrong or do things look ok? thanks!
  3. looks like overwatering to me...wait until the soil doesnt feel wet about 3'' down. if its dry, water.
  4. hey thanks - it could be over watering. i dont know what i'm doing. i've been watering from the bottom. do you think if i let them dry out and water less they will recover?
  5. okay. think of it from a natures standpoint. it doesnt rain everyday..watering less makes the roots grow outward to find more nutrients..etc. if you can stick your finger into its middle knuckle and its dry...water. if it feels moist..give it some time. trust me..watering less makes them grow much more healthier. oh, and get a fan on them.

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