my kid is smoking pot... wtf?

Discussion in 'General' started by untamedlion33, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. You don't want to be too soft, but you don't want to be too strict.
    Tell him the consequences of doing illegal drugs (different laws ect), and tell him that he should NEVER EVER take that lightly. Then tell him if hes going to do it, he shouldn't ever take it to school, and he should never travel with it.

    But I mean, all in all, kids are going to be kids.

  2. ....... lol bro?
  3. [quote name='"SassyMelassy"']

    Tell him if it's spomething he wants to do, he needs to ne responsible and discrete. If he doesn't keep his grades up, hold a steady job, continue to make forward progress; he must continue to make forward progress.
    Also, why does the teacher think he needs therapy?
    Have an open conversation with him. Get on the same page and go from there. Open,communitatikn is the greatest tool when it comes to relationships.[/quote]

    This advice for sure. Make sure he has good grades and is discreet its all gravy then.
  4. Watch the move the union with him.. teach him about the laws... I learned the hard way on the streets. It will be better if you teach him. Then enjoy a nice blunt and a movie with him.
  5. Lol my mo told me "if you do it just don't let us find out because if we know the copswill know"

    Shes paranoi because my cousin go arrested but dude was a drug dealer ecstasy hard drugs
  6. Tell him it's bad for him then steal the little pricks weed. Wait until he's got at least an ounce and just take it from him. Act like you're all shocked and worried about his drug use too. Little prick will just keep rebelling and smoking, and you can keep stealing his stash. Make the little prick get a job to support the habit too. It all works out in the end, you're kid doesn't smoke because you steal his stash. You smoke, he doesn't.
  7. wait how old is your son
  8. and if he accuses you of stealing his stash..... backhand to the mouth.
  9. Play the role of the bad cop and see how well he defends his position.
  10. You should totally fuck around with him . Lmfao
  11. yes kids will be dumb about it. i think when i was a teenager we just wanted to go to places that were not around our parents. maybe i should put in a shead for him you know like a little hang out place where he wont go places and be dumb...

    fuck that!!!!! if he's smoking pot im gonna just tell him its not something to brag about. people that keep there mouth shut, and stay away from other drugs, end up happier. and the trick with pot is moderation.
  12. like what?
  13. Let him smoke in your backyard if you don't want the law following him around. Tax all his friends like .5g's.
  14. I think Brahski might be your son lol.

    Not a bad idea! found out how much he knows. If he's like, "derr its fun and makes me cool," set him straight. Weed doesn't make you cool. It makes you awesome.
  15. :laughing:

    Just curious is all, he's really not all that good at answering me.. unless I'm creeping him out or some shit.
  16. Sorry but you are wrong, I started at 14 and I am a straight A student in college.. majoring in computer science. I take large doses of hash oil every night before bed and it doesn't interfere with my studying or cognition at all, just helps me get a really good nights sleep. The profession of psychology has been corrupted by funding from NIDA for decades.

  17. "Son, that's not possible. I haven't smoked pot since the late 60's when your mother and I made love like wild banshees in the mud at Woodstock.

    This is the 80's, kid, and I'm a businessman now. What you saw me doing was cocaine. Please tell me you weren't trying to snort marijuana..."
  18. Let him smoke but if he's braggin and actin cool then he's nothing but a fool.

  19. Eeh probably true but alcohol, speed(ADHD pills), tobacco, and caffeine can fuck you up way worse when you're in your young teens. Trust me I'm a dr. ;)
  20. Make a deal with him, if he can get a B in one or two classes and all the rest he gets A's then you won't care if he smokes as long as he doesn't get arrested or do stupid shit. If he can't make good on his end of the deal, then tell him you better not catch him or his friends with any or else you'll go crazy on him, act like you think that weed is the devil.

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