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My indica experience/review

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by musho3210, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. Went over to a friends house today right after I woke up, and took a few hits from a bong. I'm never big on strains (most of the time they make me feel the same... high) but this time I noticed a big difference. My conscience didn't feel high at all, it just felt really mellow. We were sitting there finishing the bowl and I was asking myself "why don't I feel high? I smoked more than usual, the weed looked good, and I used a bong. Why don't I feel high?" I thought the high would just hit later so I didn't care. But I was feeling REALLY mellow and relaxed. Then I got up and everything hit me. My body just felt really really good. The moment I got up I could tell I was pretty high. I just walked around the house and felt the high just creep up all around me. THen I sat down on some really comfortable couch, and just fell backwards on the pillows. I didn't want to move or get up or anything.

    So basically, it was a COMPLETELY different high. I normally smoke generic sativa, and that gets my head buzzing, alters my perception, makes music completely change, and makes food taste completely different. But indica for me didn't alter my perception that much, music was only a little better, and food tasted the same. But damn, that relaxing feeling in the head and a huge body high just made it my greatest high that I can remember.

    So there's my "review"/"story" of my first pure indica high. It blows Sativa out of the park IMO.
  2. All depends on what you're seeking from the herb.
    Relaxation? Indica
    Stimulation? Sativa
  3. it's what Marsbergen said. you don't wanna smoke something like that as soon as you wake up. unless you wanna go back to sleep. it depends on what you're doing/time of the day. I love both when it's the right time for one or the other
  4. Personally indicas make me painless, make music insane, and make me eat eggos while they're still frozen with syrup on them.

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