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My highs arent too good

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by A7X_O, May 11, 2015.

  1. #1 A7X_O, May 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2015
    Only smoked a little bit just so I feel kinda normal, but when I smoke like half a joint,some freaky shit happens. I get pins and needles all over my body, like even in the inside of my stomach... It's weird as fuck. The first time I threw up and was so nauseated I couldn't move my head for almost an hour. How do I combat this? Just keep smoking?
    Also I always smoke alone because my friends won't touch it lol

  2. i think you had low blood sugar when you smoked, was dehydrated or smoked on an empty stomach

    Sent from my intergalactic spaceship hotbox
  3. Just means you have the good stuff.
  4. Your friends don't smoke pot, and you don't like the high you get from smoking pot. Why are you smoking pot?
  5. Listen to this wise man.
  6. if you're new to the grass, take it easy and smoke at your own pace. if all you need is half a bowl to get stoned, LUCKY YOU!
    Don't roll up a J if you don't need a J, know what I'm sayin? You are lucky in the fact that you don't have friends to impress and keep up with while smoking! enjoy your low tolerance while you got it, kid!
  7. Yes, listen to Han.

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