My Growing Theory (Work In Progress)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by OfficialHaze, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. So I have come up with a theory. Which I have found as far as I have read, seen, or done in depth study's of. and damn if I haven't researched the subject. 

    So being as the best plants we have ever seen. I mean really. In comparison to outdoor crops indoor yield and quality has to be strived for much harder the normal grow room setting. With the exception of hydroponic crops because of the synthesized form of cultivation. 

    As far as soil is concerned however, you look at the way plants just grow. No reason or pattern. They randomly drop seed, randomly are covered and fertilized, sprout and grow. These plants where not planted with any type of intention my man or help of any kind. It grows and is happy and healthy because of the home, the soil that it resides in. 

    In nature, naturally things grow or live, die and decompose as the cycle of life continues. This is what provides soil with it beneficial nutrients. It's the reason the plants need to kind of third party help. Simple soil and naturally derived nuts found all inside of this soil. Now if we think about this logically. Plants in nature have a much better survival and growth rate with the restrictions of room in an indoor garden being considered in overall size of corse. 

    So why is that? Why is it that with EXTRA help plants are generally more successful outside? Well, it all goes back to the soil, and the plant itself. 

    Forget looking at the plant as a "plant", and try to think of it as a living, breathing being. In this light, plants have always been able to take care of themselves. They simply find what they need in the soil as they need or want it. They can eat when they are hungry, drink when they are thirsty, and keep themselves happy. 

    If you think about it. That is all that need be done in an indoor garden. Think of it as going to the grocery store for your plants almost. You only should be getting food for them and putting in they're cabinet, which is your soil. 

    What we need to be doing as growers is making sure that the soil has what it needs to be good healthy soil. Not what the plants need because they already know. And if the soil is healthy they can get it themselves when THEY want it. Not when you want to give it to them. 
    (No one knows when your hungry or thirsty better than you right??) 
    You basically put the plant back in charge of itself and switch your focus to making sure it's complete environment is healthy. This includes air and such, but most important is the soil. If your soil is healthy your plants correspondingly WILL be healthy as well as, and just as importantly they will be happy. 

    Think of it as an overall picture like this for example. Take yourself and say that your whole life you have been tolled when to eat, drink, sleep. Like you were just on a repetitive schedule forever and then all sudden you were free to make these decisions on your own. That's not to say your not great full that someone has provided what they have for you but you are no doubt happier you can do this as you please and use what you need when you need it instead of it just being administered to you.

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