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My great pick up (30g of Mids)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Thorkgonsam, May 4, 2011.

  1. I got 30g of Shake-esque mids for 100$, kinda seedy but that is fine, i save the seeds for grows. I smoked a sizeable joint, and I'm pretty intoxicated, though its hard to tell because I am drunk a lil too. you guy's get pick up similar, better, worse? Good in your opinion?

    Attached Files:

  2. i see you have suddenlink.
  3. I wish mids still did something to me :(
  4. Same shit i smoke, reggie all the way lol, and at $45 a oz ill smoke it any day.
  5. suddenlink?
  6. picture does not give credit, trust me, they are I been smoking for a while to know that much
  7. deff not mids bro you got atleast 10 seeds that i pointed out right away
  8. Looks delicious. But then again, every single pickup I see looks delicious.

    EDIT: Except the ones that are black as tar.
  9. o man. for $100 around here you could get closer to 1.5 oz's...and not shake/seedy stuff...decent mids.

    sounds steep. prices here are pretty high compared tomost places too
  10. haha the remote in the background. this cable company near me has those remotes.
  11. plus it looks like some reg's
  12. I live in a small town outside the city, and get off a guy who gets off a guy who gets off a guy, and that hikes up the price drammatically so the dealers can make a profit. This is a good pickup here, and Is a lot of just average quality pot for a great price, around here and that is what I appreciate about it.

    lol I said gets off a guy gets off a guy.... sexual innuendos...

  13. Yeah, I know of Suddenlink. I always thought that was a really bad name for a cable company. It makes it seem like you're suddenly going to lose/gain cable connection.
  14. id be fuckin delighted to get an O of that for $100.
  15. I have Comcast saddly, must be a remote made elsewhere and sold to cable companies.
  16. middies you just got some green bud
  17. Seeds=regs but i can't smoke that shit i try to smoke only superdank so i can't say anything good bout this thread plus i've gotten "regs" before with no seeds and it was budded
  18. The title is an oxymoron
  19. #19 ReMpTiOn, May 4, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2011
    seeds dont determine the quality of the bud all seeds mean there was a male around the plant and fertilized it.some growers decided to fertilize there plants to get more seeds for the next grow.but some people belive it is bad to grow dank and to make it have seeds.also they dont want other people having seeds so they dont go and grow good weed for thereselfs
  20. Schwag, have to pack the joints man.

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