My God..... Ann Coulter on potheads: They cant perform any useful jobs , Seriously???

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Superjoint, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. why is ann coulter allowed on cnn? she is a thinly veiled facist who thinks the constitution only applies to white republicans

  2. wooooooooooow that bitch is retarded
  3. She's off her rocker.
    "You can tell when someone's high." implies you can't tell when someone's drunk. I could spot a drunk miles away. I'd have to examine someone to rule out stoned.
    Her comments and thoughts are extremely scatter-brained and not thought out. She's just flat-out uneducated.
    We need to get this prohibition OVER with. I've worked in Emergency Medicine for 10 years. Can I just say that the synthetic crap "spice" will KILL you and makes people extremely violent? The primary side effect is "psychosis". Why did it come into existence? Because people want to smoke pot LEGALLY. I remember when spice hit the streets. My call volume doubled (I'm a paramedic).
    Those people without jobs who smoke pot? Guess what they become when you take pot away. People without jobs who don't smoke pot! They're STILL gonna sit on their asses! You don't see the potheads who work because they're AT WORK (and people who want to win against a population pick out the worst examples)! Why wouldn't you spot me and the majority of "potheads"? Because we're at work and we don't advertise!
    Whenever a patient says to me, "I smoke marijuana." I ignore it because it's so benign it doesn't matter for the medical history. Guess what "I drink a little here and there." gets...follow up questions! How much do you drink in a week? How often? Multiply responses by three and you'll be CLOSE to what they consume. Why does that get f/u questions? Because alcohol is POISON. Your body treats it like a toxin. I see someone die from alcohol at least once a month. (But yet, inside of EVERY human being is something we call the "endocannibinoid system". The only thing that activates it? Cannabis!)
    Hahaha. "Go ahead and die." Really? They're letting this woman address the public? This is a point in our basket, blades. She's fighting for us as a double agent. Anyone who agrees with what she has to say it so they can let themselves be known and sane people can avoid them.
    This woman is just ridiculous. But, I would love to talk to her on national television. (It's ironic that she scolds him for interrupting her but she won't let him get a word in edge-wise. We would need her to sign a clause prior to the interview allowing both parties time to talk.)
    She's a moron. As far as potheads not doing work? I'm a pre-med student and a nationally certified paramedic. I just had a kid. I work 16-24 hours a week in the ED, take care of two kids, go to a university full time (16 credit hours), AND I volunteer 12 hours a month. Come have a chat with me, Ann. We can talk about our obviously different definitions of "work".
    ::end rant::
  4. She literally contradicts every statement she makes, every single one.
  5. Bitch is complaining about being interrupted, while she isn't letting him speak!
  6. "...if it has a quarter and a penis." HAHAHAHAHA
  7. She makes generalisations as if they are fact, she has no experience with the drug, just what she sees of her "friends". Not worth anyone's time to be honest.
    The interesting thing to me is that nobody has figured out that she is really a man.   :cool:
    And if she admits to drinking before a show, you know she is an alcoholic so she will defend it to the end, and hopefully not too far in the future for her.  bah.  she's a joke.
    How can she or anyone judge whether pot smokers are productive, nobody can openly admit it at a majority of jobs, but all she needs to do is look at the music industry and artists and all the creativity that comes,  even more so when they are high, can anyone ever dispute what The Beatles did while stoned, as just as one tiny example.  
    I have also personally known people in multiple aspects of the business world who have been very successful who are avid pot users, and also Republican.   
  9. Why do they even interview people about topics they obviously have zero knowledge and/or personal experience with? Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
    lol cnn shouldn't be on the air either -
    they are no better
  11. seems like Ann has a problem with alcohol, also pretty damn scary that people are aloud to grow up to be that stupid, and hypocritical
  12. Holy shit. This must be one of the most stupid person I have seen on television and in life.

    she blatantly lies when he asks her of she ever smoked pot. What a low life ignorant punk bitch.
  13. Ann Coulter is a just a professional troll.
  14. Will people PLEASE STOP for a moment.
    You think these people believe what they are saying? Do you REALLY?
    This is just like what has become of the elections process. Two stinking turds in a room, one to "choose" from to think you're making the more "informed" decision.
    All of this is threatrical folly meant to shift people into certain special interest groups and make people feel like they are making the "good and righteous decision" on the matter.
    Climb out of this BOX the media has placed us in. This is not news. This is not debate. This is special interest gravy train threatre.
  15. Blades:
    Don't let her get to you. I've watched some other videos on Ann "The Cuntster" Coultier and I'm pretty sure her prime directive is just to stir the pot (on Satan's orders). Maybe she'll melt away in the spring.
  16. Ann Coulter Wins if you give her ANY ATTENTION, STOP IT YOU FOOLS.
  17. Fixing corporate computer problems that no one else could isnt "useful"???hm....
  18. Pot heads obviously cant be athletes... Right Michael Phelps, and half of major league sports.

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  19. I dont even know who she is, so why is he relevant? Doesnt seem very intelligent or important

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