My gf gets dry when she smokes weed. Is this normal for any ladies on here?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by notastoner19xx, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. When she smokes, sometimes she'll get dry during intercourse. I was wondering if this was due to the smoking or if maybe she has an individual problem.
  2. I'd call it an individual problem, but it takes two to tango....... ;)
  3. Cotton vag...
    • Like Like x 8
  4. Please don't tell me you joined this forum to ask this question...SOUNDS LIKE A PERSONAL PROBLEM PAL

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  5. We will need to see a couple pictures before we can figure the problem out.
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  6. Lmfaooo this thread i swear i read/saw somewhere that cotton vag is an actual thing i dont have this issue but this girl i knew did she tried weed for like a month and told me she had "dry mouth and dry vag" like bitch TMI LOLOL

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  7. The reason you get cotton mouth is the submandibular glands(saliva producing glands) have cannabinoid receptors its a possibility that the ones secreting sexual fluid may also have them
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  8. NEVER happens to my pussy!
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  9. Who cares. If she into it.. lube it up. Slick Willy your shit all over the place.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. SPIT is the BEST lube...Jenna Jameson and Ron Jeremy said so!
  11. :lmafoe:
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  12. I usually can't get into it when ik stoned. My mind is all over the place, and then because of that I'm not able to get the juices flowing. So usually I smoke a bowl AFTER sexy time. Haha
  13. Cotton pussy X3:lmafoe:
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  14. Coconut oil infused with hash is the best lube.

    My wife says so. :)
  15. its actually not. spit dries up very fast.
  16. OP, i've been with women who've experienced the same thing your girlfriend is experiencing. either skip the herb or use lube.

    don't care what they have to say about it, the sex they have is not the sex i have.
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  17. I didn't know lube was still a thing ... you sure she's not sleeping ? Im all about high sex and have never had a woman with that problem. I do know a couple who purposely has dry sex maybe she's secretly a dry sex lover.

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