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My fucking car got broken into....

Discussion in 'General' started by GreyMatterTripp, May 11, 2011.

  1. They smashed my window to get a 5 year old Ipod.


    I fucking hate people.
  2. You should've been there to set off the car alarm right before they broke it.

    Those fuckers would never break into another car again.
  3. been there buddy... prick stole a cam and was dumb enough to get arrested by the cops 30mins later :D people who do dumb shit like stealing some old ipod are dirt :<
  4. why would he set off his own car alarm when he could just tell the theives to fuck off? :S
  5. You should put something else in clear view and wait with a baseball bat behind some bushes....... Then corner them and call the cops :)
  6. Damn man thats real rough. Sorry about that

    I leave my iPod in my cupholder all the time too... Gotta stop doing that.

    Fucking thieves.
  7. bogus man, cant leave anythin in your car anymore, probably some broke fiends lookin for money or somethin

  8. or dont call the cops... beat em up a little (not too much) and take all their shit and tell them not to fuck with you again :D
  9. #9 DriftingApart, May 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2011

    What's funnier:

    A bunch of thieves running away from a blaring car
    (EDIT: especially if they don't know why it started blaring).


    A guy getting beat up by several thieves.

    I'll let the obviousness of this question answer itself for you. :rolleyes:
  10. I've had people try to break into my car many times ( big system), i have an alarm so they always run away when they touch it and it goes nuts

  11. that could end so wrong.. better to get a vantage point with a 50 cal sniper. Then attach a suprise speaker next to your car and announce, "Excuse me please, thief? Touch that car and I may not get your hand, but you can bet your ass some body part will be missing" :) And watch them run like the coward they are
  12. Dont you hate that feeling once you see the broken glass? My truck got broken into in my own cul-de-sac too the other day..

    But of course the window is the most expensive thing to replace
  13. Man car thieves suck. Being the owner of two of the possibly most stolen/broken into cars of all time I feel ya. In fact I remember last year when somebody broke into my civic and tried to steal it. Dude couldn't get past the immobilizer and also I remove the steering wheel when storing the car, anyway long story short dude got pissed and cut my clutch pedal off. Next day I go to drive it and notice the broken glass, ok wtf right? Then I get in the car and I can't even drive it because this douche cut my clutch pedal off. The hell is wrong with people?
  14. #14 GreyMatterTripp, May 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2011
    Yeah, probably. The thing is it's so old they can't get more than five or ten dollars for it.

    AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHH. Now I have to come up with $120-$200 to fix the shit. It made me late for a job interview as well. Shit fucking BLOWS.

    I was so pissed off I did a california roll through a stop sign in front of a motorcycle cop (He just came up over a hill from behind me) For some amazingly fortunate reason he followed me for like 3 minutes and then set up for a speed trap instead of pulling me over to give me a ticket for the flagrant traffic violation.

    Yeah. To a degree it was my fault but still, come on guys, look for an iphone or something valuable.
  15. Damn I hate cock suckers that do that shit. Theft is terrible and I really don't understand how people can even do it.
  16. Someone will break into your car for loose change if you don't cover it up. That dude easily walked with $20 so he/she can get her fix.

    Buy an alarm for $300-$400. I havent seen reports made with cars that had alarms on them unless they were exotic 60k+ cars.
  17. Chocolate? This is doo-doo baby!
  18. I don't agree with most mideast customs but I'd love to see American theives get a hand chopped off.
  19. #19 GreyMatterTripp, May 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2011

    If you would pay $20 for a beat up (physically) 5 year old Ipod that then I feel sorry for you. You just got ripped off by the same guy that got me. ;)

    On a positive note the interview I was 'late' for had been rescheduled for tomorrow anyways, so no big deal there. I also got a job offer from another place I did a follow up interview at yesterday and have another job lined up that I can start tomorrow. So things are going good, it's just a matter of having to fix my god damn window so I can get all this shit DONE!
  20. Way to see the good in a bad situation.

    The theif is likely to slip up at some point. He'll get his due, it's just a matter of time. Sorry about your ipod/window, though.

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