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My friends yearly doctor checkup

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Braddock, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. Well, as I was tokin' today with a buddy of mine, his dad gave him a call about his doctors appointment tomorrow.

    Which basically led to him freaking out about his drug testing and whatnot.


    All in all, what are the chances of his parents finding out about his recent marijuana usage? He is currently 17 for a few more months while I've been 19 for a few weeks.

    Apparently, these checkups focus around his sugar, cholesterol, etc...
  2. Isn't their doctor to patient confidentiality?
  3. I'm assuming this falls under doctor/patient confidentiality, but his parents are probably paying for it so who knows.

    I've given blood after smoking and never heard a thing about it.
  4. As long as you are over 16, your doctor must keep that information confidential, unless he is a snitch to the heart. Always take that into consideration, because those people exist.
  5. that's what I told him

    he's worried the doctor might put that aside and alert his parents anyway, being as how he is still a minor for the time being
  6. This.
  7. This.
  8. well, what are the chances of marijuana showing up on his routine checkup?

    and if it does show, does said doctor have the right to inform his parents?
  9. one time i was in the hospital and they drug tested me before surgery and told my parents while i was under, luckily my parents were ok with it. it really depends on who the doctor is but they aren't supposed to but they do anyway.
  10. Ok here we go...

    Treatment Of Minors: Encyclopedia of Everyday Law

    Doctor patient confidentiality does not necessarily mean the doctor cannot inform his parents depending on what state your in (im guessing its not "your mothers bedroom").

    This term applies to all adults but you have to remember UNTIL YOUR 18 YOUR LEGAL GUARDIANS OWN YOU!!! legally and socially in most aspects.

    Now then there are some medical procedures where this has been amended by law (i.e. abortion) and the minor has disclosure/confidentiality rights.

    Doctor patient confidentiality doesn't mean shit if your under 18 unless your state has protected those rights to minors.

    That link shows how any "procedure" (which is anything) has to go through parent approval. If your parents signed the form on any hospital document then they are completely authorized to access your patient records and information.

    Seriously check into your states medical disclosure laws.

    Aside from this your friend is probably fine. Unless his doctor thinks he is at risk or a family friend there is no reason to notify his parents.
  11. Lol we live in Florida, if you could help me out there, finding out what my HIPPA states laws are and whatnot..
  12. ok from what i can see you have complete confidentiality for STD's/birth control, psychoactive treatments, and abortions.

    Confidentiality can be requested by the minor patient, and as long as it doesn't endanger the minors life the doctor will usually choose to abstain from ethical/moral family dilemas.

    That being said the parents still have access to their medical records and a medical report. (doesn't necessarily have to disclose doctors "notes" where marijuana use might be noted)

    He should be fine and the chances of it being tested for is unlikely.
    The only time this would happen would be in Lacrossefire9's case where it might react with medication

    Hope that helps and if you have any other questions or details about the visit pm me and i can help more... (older sister is a doctor and older brother is going into law lol)
  13. should he be careful of any urine/blood tests?
  14. when they take blood for routine check-ups theyre testing liver panels, cholesterol, and other things that helps the doctor check how your body is operating and acting, not drugs. you can even check on the lab sheet they give you what they are checking for
  15. just sent a pm... i will be making a thread addressing these issues and questions soon in this lobby.

    Hope everything works out!
  16. I'm actually not sure if that is a drug.test man correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it for like cholesterol and shit like that ? When I was younger and blazed all the time the doctors never said shit about anything?
  17. They dont check for THC levels in check ups.

    They take a urine sample to see if you have healthy levels...
  18. Only time I have had any sort of drug testing was the first time I went to a pain control clinic with my current doc. That was 4 years ago when my last doc retired.

  19. Exactly.

    They will probably take blood actually but unless it has been asked my his parents for the doctor to do a panel on they will not default check for THC.

    But his parents do have the right to ask his doctor to check for THC in the blood work or if anywhere in his records THC presence was noted and the doctor will have to divulge that info.

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