My Friend's Girlfriend's Pussy

Discussion in 'General' started by Predator1, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Quit previewing the fucking thread and click.
    Yeah man, Im talkin to you.

    So yeah, I'm babysitting her cat for a few days. I love cats.... But not this cat. Fuck this cat. It's so desperate for attention, I cant get any goddamn sleep. And it licks/sucks. Like it shoves its face in my elbow, ear, whatever fucking crevice it can find, and it nibbles. It bit the fuck out of my eyelid earlier and I threw it across the room.

    And I went to the trouble of putting a liner in its shitbox, and every time it drops a deuce it tears the liner out first. Fucking animals. Now I know why Koreans eat these things.
  2. I laughed alot more at the title than the situation, ha. But ya, my ex had a cat (that I got her, dammit) and it was ANNNNNNOYING. Same shit, it seemed like the ONLY time it was crazy hyper was between 1:00 AM and 6:00 AM. Not ideal, let me tell you. I got in so much trouble, throwing that thing around. Oh well, cats are annoying (most of them).
  3. Yea dude I agree, I love chill cats, but tweaker ones like that piss me off.
  4. dude this made me laugh out loud. especially the title. it tripped me out.
  5. Is it bad that i was looking forward to some stupid ass internet thread about his girlfriends vagina?
  6. Dig a ditch, and bury that bitch. Tell her it ran away.
  7. this is why only guys should be allowed to raise pets, because we actually train them
  8. My cat's fur looks like OG Kush, and she is chill as hell. Much better than a dog, but some dogs are pretty badass.

    Instead of meowing or biting to get your attention, she just touches you with her paw and looks at you.
  9. hahaha i had to preview it because i was expecting "is hairy" or something in that nature...

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