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My friend said ALL weed is laced

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bud The Spud, May 26, 2009.

  1. Lol Win +Rep
  2. :hello: :laughing:
    Usually no chemicals are added unless its a mass grow operation I heard they use fertilizers and sometimes pesticides.

  3. no way man? i heard that too

  4. what a dimwhit. i would class him with the person i know who asked whether i put the sugar on before or after harvest. he was a dealer. makes you laugh. jokers! oh well they brighten my day.

  5. True. I got THC laced weed once...
  6. Shit okay?

  7. Idk man, I felt kind of weird, kind of happy, and confused, relaxed... I think I am ok though...
  8. Don't you know that that THC stuff will turn you into an axe murdering rapist? The Goverment said so, it MUST be true.
  9. First it will make you murder your family, then rape them, and then eat all their food....
    PEOPLE MUST BE WARNED! :laughing:
  10. I wondered why I woke up naked in the field with a bloody axe...

    God Damn Devil's Weed!
  11. That's it. I'll have to quit growing and smoking. I don't want to kill my family :(

  12. I thought it was supposed to make me a pacifist? Ahhh the confusion angers me so. Time to get that axe and box of condoms to properly channel my befuddling anger. :smoking:
  13. Please direct your anger to the appropriate address.

    U.S. Capitol
    Washington, DC USA

    Note: I mean write them a letter, not take an axe there...yeah...that's it...that's the ticket...
  14. Recently I've been so pissed off by the hypocrisy and straight up lies that the media gives whenever they talk about legalization. Like they honestly think that weed is this shit to be equated to crack and heroin and that by legalizing it, your kids will be stupid. And regarding washington, I was angry with Obama for laughing about the question, and just not taking it seriously whatsoever.
    *ends rant* :p
  15. Why should he care? He can smoke all he wants without any fear. Anyone who thinks he gives one shit about anyone but his own power/career is blind.
  16. Isnt that what every politician cares about?
  17. Blasphemy.
  18. absofuckinglutely, fuck politics
  19. ^^^ Agreed ^^^

    That made me Lol

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