My friend is disowning me because

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by soapmachine, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. I smoke marijuana. But his sister and his dad do it. And I self medicate with it. I smoke a few bowls every few hours. No big deal. It cures my anxieties and people think I act drunk. I have no idea what they're talking about.
  2. [quote name='"soapmachine"']I smoke marijuana. But his sister and his dad do it. And I self medicate with it. I smoke a few bowls every few hours. No big deal. It cures my anxieties and people think I act drunk. I have no idea what they're talking about.[/quote]

    I'd disown you too if you acted drunk after smoking a bowl.
  3. Maybe you need to not smoke so many bowls if people think you act drunk?? Shit, I would be sketched out too if people acted like they were drunk after they smoke.
  4. hang out with his sister and dad...they sound a lot cooler than that kid.
  5. I don't act drunk though. I'm relaxed. It makes me confused why someone would say that somebody who is calm, makes them nervous. I'm baked right now in fact.
  6. Have a good one-on-one with your friend. Find out what the problem is. Try to work out your differences. If you can, then you can be friends again. A real friend doesn't kick you to the curb because you use MMJ.

    Peace, Love, Weed, And Good Vibes your way. :)
  7. If a friend is willing to dump a friendship for such shallow reasons, he wasn't worth your time to begin with.
  8. I'd be somewhat glad.

    If I had a friend, and they disowned me, I'd honestly be happy that they showed me a RED FLAG before letting friendship flourish.

  9. Haha yeah, you dont wanna be friends with a dick like that anyway.

    His sister and dad do it and he "disowns" you?
  10. [quote name='"soapmachine"']I don't act drunk though. I'm relaxed. It makes me confused why someone would say that somebody who is calm, makes them nervous. I'm baked right now in fact.[/quote]

    So your friends are imagining all this?

  11. They must because I have no idea what they're talking about.
  12. Have they ever seen you drunk?
  13. [quote name='"soapmachine"']

    They must because I have no idea what they're talking about.[/quote]

    There might be some truth in it, couldn't tell ya, talk to his family
  14. a friend who would do this to you is no friend...

    find some new friends.
  15. I really don't understand the fascination that the younger generation has on keeping every one of their friends so damn close and personal. And never understanding that friends come and go, and it's no big deal.

    There's a great verse in a Bareknaked Ladies song:

    "Do you know everyone you ever swore you'd love for life?
    I don't know them anymore
    I know their names, I'd recognize them on the street
    And I don't love them"
  16. I'm confused, is your friend anti-pot? Or is he against how you act while high?
  17. Well, now I can say that I've dropped a few friends because they couldn't hold their shit when either drunk or stoned...or both.

    But I've also ended friendships because of attitudes expressed that are diametrically opposed to mine as well. For example, I made an online friend awhile back over a game that we both played, and we kept in touch via facebook and email and what not, but I defriended him on both and stopped responding to his emails when his right wing rhetoric became too much for me to handle.

    I have a very low tolerance for stupid behavior and arrogant attitudes amongst people who are my supposed friends.
  18. How does a friend disown you
  19. I bet your speech is slower, sometimes slurred/stuttered. I bet your reaction time to everything is slower, your voice is a little more monotonous, etc.

    Keep in mind, to people who don't know the difference, "intoxicated" means "drunk". Your friend doesn't smoke so he doesn't understand the difference between being drunk and being stoned.
  20. [quote name='"Hiebs"']

    I'd disown you too if you acted drunk after smoking a bowl.[/quote]

    this... what the fuck dude, why would u act drunk after toking?

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