So my friend did not show up to class today and I was kind of worried. So I text him wondering where he is. He tells me a cow has him stuck up a tree and he's been there for s couple hours now. Now I did not believe him until he sent me this picture.
I googled the pic. You stole this from a 9 month old reddit post...
It's a chupacabra lol idk but is that a cow ? Where do you guys live lol ........... I didn't know cows attacked .......... Can he out run it ....... Thread should be named when cows attack ...... Funny thanks for sharing
[ame=]Trololo - Eduard Khill (Official High Quality Video) - YouTube[/ame] Shit is straight dope with some dubstep playin' in front of it.
[quote name='"Demiurge"']I googled the pic. You stole this from a 9 month old reddit post...[/quote] Wtf !?! I've been deceived ....
I remember doing community service for an animal shelter that was next to a farm. I was taking out the trash one day and I saw a fucking bull out in front of the building. It breathed so heavy i was its breath. It just looked at me and started to haul ass towards my way. I ran in the building and they took care of it. Needless to say I never went back there, so in a sense I can understand your friends situation. Cows can be assholes too
[quote name='"KushFanDango"']I remember doing community service for an animal shelter that was next to a farm. I was taking out the trash one day and I saw a fucking bull out in front of the building. It breathed so heavy i was its breath. It just looked at me and started to haul ass towards my way. I ran in the building and they took care of it. Needless to say I never went back there, so in a sense I can understand your friends situation. Cows can be assholes too[/quote] I worked on a farm one day and they were weighing them by pushing them through this thing with water pressure and they were shitting everywhere ..... I used the pressure water to clean up and the poop splashed on my new pants ..... I was pissed dropped the hose and left
Once my friends and i were driving by a farm with a field full of cows We pulled over, ran down the windows. An in the top of our lungs mooooooo'd as loudly and deeply as we could We scared the living crap out of those fuckers and all in a group they took of full speed across the field towards the barn We were all dying laughing for a good few min after