My first time...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by aceburn, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Hi blades, 

    So.. the time has finally come. I'm 21 years old, living at my gfs house at the moment, and in a few days time (saturday) I'm moving out for the first time in my life! Time to begin a quest called Life as an independent, mature adult. I got a small 30-something square metre apartament in the city that's really nicely finished, nothing special but it's very cozy. I would appreciate any advice from you folks, since I presume most of you already live on your own. I'll post some pics of the apartament when I finish moving so keep in touch.

    P.S. I haven't been smoking for about 2 months, because I promised myself I'll smoke only when I finally move out - so I'm really looking forward to sparking up a joint as I lay on a couch and play PS4 :)
    Share your advice and thoughts!
    and if you were mislead by the title.. stop watching so much porn!

  2. #2 dinoog, Jan 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2014
    Cook your own food and dont go out to eat alot. You save alot of money that way unless your making some gourmet shit everyday haha. Also you learn to chef it up so you can cook for someone else too which is always a plus in the persons eyes. If your ever lonely I would get a pet like a cat if its in a budget. Or something else if you prefer other ones if your apartment allows it. All I can think of right now.I did think the title was something else, you got me :pSent from Samsung Galaxy S4 Active
    I hear you, I can cook my food alright but I don't have many ideas on what to actually cook. When it comes to being lonely I think my console and gf will keep me company :) At my house I used to have a dog and 3 cats, but they were all a pain in the ass, so for now I think I'll restrain for getting a pet. Thanks for the tip though, the more of this cooking stuff I hear the better, because I'm really used to eating outside of the house, especially at work which costs me a fortune :(
  4. Start growing some auto flowers in the closet or something so your not sending money on weed xDSent from my SPH-L710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. Maybed a tad bit later, I need to show my parents the apartament first, and I bet I'll have to invite some people over too. 

    P.S. your avatar is so sketchy, I never thought Vegeta could look so fkin creepy.
  6. [quote name="aceburn" post="19422599" timestamp="1390928556"]Maybed a tad bit later, I need to show my parents the apartament first, and I bet I'll have to invite some people over too. P.S. your avatar is so sketchy, I never thought Vegeta could look so fkin creepy.[/quote] haha look up Dragon ball p on YouTube, and yea let things settle down and see how everything is first lolSent from my SPH-L710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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