My first insane trip

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Cman66, Dec 17, 2015.

  1. #1 Cman66, Dec 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2015
    Hello everyone, this is my first ever post onto any forum regarding weed and I just had to sign up to tell everyone about my experience last night because it was insane! So I am a pretty heavy weed smoker I smoke whenever I can do about every day so my tolerance is definitely high (literally) haha! I just picked up as usual but something about this strain was crazy and I don't know if it was laced or just really loud bud... (There's no real options of bud where I live, you get what you get). I would love for everyone to tell me about their own experience maybe it's like mine but I really want to share what happened because it was life changing. So I went to my garage as usual and made a gb and proceeded to take 2 milky hits out of a smart water bottle and then it all went down from there. I was in my room in the dark and I saw an invisible man walking around my room and it ran at me then disappeared and then I saw a snowboarder in mid air doing like a trick across my room and there was little animal like things running at me from the ground. I was like shooting at the animals with my hand😂 I like became one with the music I was listening to and my view was from the back of my head I could see myself laying down with headphones in. I kept drifting in and out of reality and my whole body would like jerk forward as I was zoning out it was insane. I was laying down and I literally could not feel my legs AT ALL it was a very scary but awesome experience at the same time. That's about all of the craziness that I can explain without sounding like a completely insane person haha! (Even though it's pretty crazy enough). So yeah that was my experience and keep in mind that I smoke a good amount so there was most certainly something special about this strain I currently have. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience or knows what this type of strain is or if it was possibly laced with something? Idk! Feel free to reply and give some feedback about this whole thing I just had to reach out this time because it was very mind blowing literally. I hope you guys get a kick out of my story and hopefully some ppl can relate to this! Thanks for reading!
    Peace and Love:)

  2. Sounds to me you got properly fucked up for the first time, nobody here can really give you an idea on what strain or if it was laced though.

    Did you smoke any more after this experience, and did you have the same reaction?

    Sounds like it could have just been a bad high, but you sound like you enjoyed it :D , usually people in your situation would have just completely freaked out and make it worse.
  3. I would say your were insanely high in the dark and your eyes played tricks on you regarding your invisible man running at you lol

    Can you explain how you seen the ''invisible'' man lol

    With the snowboarding and shooting tho that does not sound like weed
  4. I can't count the number of these 'I saw stuff while smoking pot' stories from self proclaimed 'experienced' smokers with new accounts I have seen this if there is either some mutated marijuana with mushroom dna out there (get real), or perhaps some piss poor 'business minded' dealer is spending a lot of money to lace herb with expensive drugs (losing money, ya, as if...) or it is just some anti mj troll groups that are working together to give people the impression that pot is the same as <insert hallucinogenic unmentionable here> in some weird reefer madness smear campaign.

    walks like a duck
    quacks like a duck
    hmmm..could be...

  5. Sounds like you have a vivid imagination. I've had similiar experiences in the dark.
  6. Wish I was on that level right now..

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