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My first indoor CFL grow (CBD critical cure)

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by sukkerlyn, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. #1 sukkerlyn, Oct 10, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
    I have decided to make this journal, and i have absolutely no experience with indoor growing, so this is very exciting for me!
    My setup is really minimalistic, and consists of 4 CFL bulbs 100 real watts in total (i have 4 more for flowering, so actually 200 watt's)
    ;a home made closet, and a big 18'ish liter's pot, with some home mixed soil (NPK 10-5-5) with leca's in bottom, and some vermiculite.
    I will update as soon as i get my seed's, until then, here is some pictures of my setup:


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  2. Sub'd up. Looks pretty awesome so far. What seeds you gettin and where from?
  3. #3 sukkerlyn, Oct 10, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
    Thanks man! :D
     I'm getting the CBD critical cure from Barney's
  4. Ha totally read it in the title and forgot . My bad way too highred (high/tired) thats gonna be some good medicine when its all done
  5. Is that a storage spot below the cab or does it sit on the ground?
  6. It's a storage spot, here is a better picture  :)

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  7. Thats awesome you can just keep taking away shelves as the plant grows
  8. Exactly :)
    I just received these badboys btw:

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  9. Anything with high cbd is good for pain especially a critical strain and barneys has very good genetics so this should be some beautiful bud
  10. Wuuuhuuu! the first one have already popped out! 

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  11. Day 2:
    She have already reached the surface:

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  12. Still day 2 lol:

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  13. #15 sukkerlyn, Oct 15, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2014
    Day 3:
    I'm going to post a picture everyday for the first 10 days.
    After that, only once every week or so. 

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  14. Day 4:

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  15. Do you guys think i should sprout more seeds, in case this one is not a female?
    or in other words: what are the odds on getting a herma/male when purchasing feminized seeds from barney's? 
  16. If its feminized I wouldnt worry. Barneys has legit genetics so I doubt its anything but a lady
  17. Cool, i'm glad to hear that! :) 
  18. Day 5
    I moved the lights closer yesterday, which seems to have worked, since the second set of leaves is already on it's way out!

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