Hello everyone. Welcome to my first post and my first grow. Details: My grow space dimensions are roughly 11" width x 11" length x 30" height. I'll be using a 70w HPS security light for both the veg and flowering stages. Because of the size of my grow box, I can only afford to flower one plant. I'm starting with bagseed and am playing the odds by germinating two seeds (I only have two seeds). I'm hoping for at least one female. I am planning to use scrog, so I'm going to have to try and sex my plants early, or build another grow box. I think my plan will be to buy a rubermaid container and put a single CFL light into it. I'll keep the best looking plant (plant A) in my main grow box for scrog, and the other (Plant B) in the rubermaid container. If A turns male, I can rip it out of the screen and kill it. I can then take the plant B (which has a good chance of being female) and put it in the main box. The hope is that the lower light conditions will stunt the plants growth. Also if it's kept in veg mode, I can still use it for scrog. If B turns out to be male too, well then I'll have wasted a few months and will have to order some seeds. With some luck, I think it can work. If someone thinks otherwise, please inform. The more feedback the better. It has been roughly 14 days since I started germinating my two seeds. Both seeds did their thing, and after a few days I had two little seedlings. They are now 8 days old. This is a soil grow and I'm using Myke potting mix (1-0.7-0.5). I didn't really put any thought into the soil, I just grabbed the first bag I saw. I'm going to refrain from using ferts until either I'm at week 3, or the plants start going funky. Anyways, I think that's everything important ... here are some pics in chronological order.
OK, so today I checked my plants and noticed some weird marks on one of the plants. I looked at various problem guides and couldn't find a definate answer for the cause/solution. I think maybe it could be too much light or overwatering. I'm not sure though. My light is about 3.5 inches from the top of the plants. The light doesn't seem to put out much heat from this distance. I water whenever the top inch of soil feels dry. I usualy use about 1/4 of a cup when watering. Here are pictures of the trouble plant. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm pretty sure my problem was caused by my light being too close to the plant. The marks were more pronounced today and look alot like light bleaching. Also, when I moved the light further away, the plant started to get its color back. The two pictures are a before-and-after of the damaged plant. Within 8 hours of moving the light, the plant's color changed to a darker green.
Nice start so far, glad you got your trouble fixed up too. Looks like you are growing an Indica strain? I like that nice black color of your dirt, means you got some good stuff there Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the encouragment. I think your right on with the plants being indica. The weed that the seeds came from glued me to my chair. I hope I get a female.
Just an update. Plants are moving along fairly well. Both plants have some light bleaching, but they should be fine now that the light is at a safe distance. I moved it to the max possible distance; 19 inches. I want to figure out what the optimal height should be for my next grow, so knowing what the lights do to the plants at the min distance vs. max distance should help in determining optimal height during veg. If they start stretching too much, I'll drop the light down by 19/2 inches and observe what happens. I think when the plants are stronger, and are ready to be flowered, I can drop the fucker to about 2" from the plant tops. I can see the advantages of using CFL's for veg. Anyways, some pictures. Edit: Forgot to mention that both plants are about 2.5 " tall now. Plants are about 13 days old. They probably would have been taller if I didn't have the damn light so close to them early on. Oh well, live and learn. Till next time.
wow, very nice job there. Keep up the good work, and I like the way how you can solve your own problems :tup:
So, tonight I was at a friends house. We got pretty hosed playing poker and stratego. Ya, pretty lame. But whatever ... It's Monday. Anyways, the night is done and I start walking home. It's a good 2 hour walk so I roll a J and pocket 2 beer for the road. As usual, I smoke the J, and kill the cotton mouth with the beer. I'm an hour into my walk, high and enjoying life, and two bright lights start flashing. Red .... Blue ... Red ... Blue ... Great ... Cops. I don't panic ... I have no reason to. I have nothing but my clothes and wallet on me. No booze and no weed. That shit doesn't last long on a nice walk. Cop 1: What are you doing here? Me: I'm walking home. Cop 2: This is a dangerous neighborhood, why didn't you call a cab? Me: It's not that dangerous, I only live a few km's from here. Cop 1: Do you want a ride home? Me: Ya, that would be awesome. So, I get in the car and tell them where I live (well, not really ... I don't trust cops and gave them my house number minus a few blocks.). My plan was to just walk through the yard of my "house" into the back-alley, and proceed to my real place of residence, For some reason I thought this was a good plan. Thinking back, there was really no reason for me to not get dropped off at my real residence. Anyways the cop pulls up to my "house" and there it was; It looked like the end of 'Die Hard 2' ... Ambulances, Fire trucks ... the whole nine. The house was on fucking fire. At this point I start feeling real sick. I usually don't get paranoid when I'm fucked up (Hell, I willingly got a ride home from police officers.) I didn't know what to say. I thought to myself, "What would someone say if they discovered that there house was on fire?" What I said: "That's a huge fire" Well, the jig was up. I was told to "get the hell out of here." My place smells like a camping trip. Do you think that the house burning down 2 blocks from me will affect my plants? That's a joke ... all i can do is laugh right now. I walked back to the scene and found out from the persons neighbor that nobody got hurt. It sucks that their house burnt down, but nobody died, so I'm in a pretty good mood. Anyways, for something relevant to my grow journal, I did a transplant: Pic 1: My 'bad' plant outside of it's home (Didn't get a pic of it in its new container. I put it in a 6" pot. This will be the plant that I put into slow grow mode.) Pic 2: My good plant outside of its home pic 3: Good plant in a five gallon pail that I cut 8" from the bottom. It wouldn't have fit into my grow space otherwise.
Allright, these are pictures of my bad plant. Pic 1: Bad plant in it's new 6" pot Pic 2: What is going on here? A leaf on the plant is growing what looks to be spikes? Is this normal?
LOL how funnys that shit hahah, very descriptive man, how unlucky can you be the house you picked the only one ON FIRE haha.. anyways good to see at least one plants A1 again. gotta watch that light burn , a lesson learned there eh! wont make that mistake again anyways looking good, and count me in for this ride. be back for updates. good luck edit: as for the mongy leaf growth i wouldnt worry to much could be from alot of things stress etc. just keep an eye on the newer growths if yoyur worried, i wouldnt lose any sleep over it.
Quick update. My plants are roughly 3 weeks old. Pics: 1st pic: This plant is really taking off. It's about 6.5" tall now and I'm going to start with a general 20-20-20 fert when the soil is ready for another watering. 2nd pic: Plant 1 from a different view ... It's really loving its new pot ... 3rd pic: I'm purposely trying to stunt the growth of this plant. It's about 5 inches tall, and as you can see, it doesn't have nearly the same amount of growth as the first. I have it under minimal light ... a 15w cfl. I just want to keep it alive.
Thanks I'm stunting it's growth because I don't have alot of room for it. I won't need it unless the plant in the grow box turns out to be male. In that case, I can take clones from the stunted plant, and then cross my fingers and hope for a female.
Today I built the screen for my growbox. I made it out of souvlaki sticks and ethernet cable. It's pretty low budget, but it should work. The screen is 8" from the top of the soil, and 14" from the bottom of the grow space. I have about 10" fromt the screen to the light ... I think this is going to get messy.
From the above pictures, should I induce flowering? Or should I wait until more growth has penetrated the screen? Plant is about 23 days old.
Well, what can I say. I've been too busy to update this journal. Oh well. The plant has been on 12/12 for roughly 4 weeks. Anyways, this plant has been through alot: 1. I had to go away for a week ... my timer died ... the plant experienced 4 days of darkness ... 2. I had to go away for a weekend ... forgot to water the plant ... 3. I gave it too much fertilizer ... As you can see from the following pictures, the plant has no large fan leaves ... I cut them off ... because they all died ... The yellowing of the leaves? Too much fertilizer. At least that's what I think. I don't want any advise ... I think I broke all the rules with this one. Frankly, this thing has been through so much, I don't even care. I'm just happy it's still alive. I'm going to keep growing it for another month, and I'll harvest it. I'm just happy I cloned her. At least I'll be able to make more mistakes on future generations of the plant. I hope she still loves me after all this abuse ... edit: By the way, worst example of scrog ... ever. At least I've had a blast with this project. The next grow will be better.