So I was just smoking with my 42 year old neighbor who lives down the street from me. She has just been diagnosed by cancer. We had also been drinking and after all of it was gone, she was thinking of going on a joyride around town since shes been diagnosed with cancer and wanted to "go" in a different way.. I tried to persuade her into not doing it but she just wouldnt refuse and was totally up for the the whole idea. Before her big adventure around town, she decided she had to go pee before she went. At that moment I knew I had to do something crazy and go into her car and grab her keys before she came out. After I thought about for what felt like was a century, I ran into her car took her keys and ran home. Did I do the wrong thing? Was I a party pooper and ruined her fun. Or did I do the right thing and saved her life, and saved years of therapy for all of her family, including 2 boys age 9 and 10, their 3 year old brother, and her most precious child, the 17 year old girl she knows as her daughter..
Yeah well I dont know about soon but all I know is that she wanted to die tonight and I just couldnt let that happen...
As far as 2:45 she still alive, she just texted me saying "dud yio taje my cer keys" Im positive shes still alive
how would she kill herself joyriding and how was she that drunk lol "duider yiou takew m cer kerys", but yeah make sure she doesnt kill herself
You didn't just save her life. You saved the lives of anyone she could have hit and killed while drunk driving. Good job keeping her from doing a very stupid thing.