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My dealer says he only sells in bulk. how much is bulk?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by DankSmoker2181, Jan 20, 2014.

    Where do you store your weed, the hood of your car?

  2. i get tired of the same strain for a month smoking daily. what about you guys? when i smoke the same strain daily the high get's less intense and last's shorter. that's why i like buying smaller amount's even I'm spending almost double. and if i had a oz i would smoke so much more than i am already.
  3. I prefer to buy in bulk. For just a weed smoker I'd say a ounce or two is bulk. But for a dealer I'd say bulk is a half pound or higher.
  4. #24 2hi2di, Jan 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2014
    It's relative, but probably no less than a QP and up.
    Anyone who says that 1 Z's bulk is talking out their ass.
  5. If hes dealing to dealers, probably a oz min. If he just sells bulk probably a q minimum
    Put it in a ziplock. Put the ziplock in a mason jar. Put the mason jar in the freezer.
  7. What is suggested here works, the freezer can keep weed almost 100% fresh for years.
    Yeah, make sure you double it though. IF you just put it in a bag, or put it in jar/container, it's going to get burnt and while it will still get you high it gets kinda gross.
    Get a ziplock (pun intended) freezer bag and make sure it's zipped completely.
    Get a mason jar that has a good lid. Not the ring, the actual lid part. Those seal down like a vacuum. Don't use a mayo jar, or something, they don't seal.
  9. The smartest thing is to buy several varieties, more than you usually would, and freeze it using the method detailed by Renaldow, above. This way, you can switch which strains you're smoking. The ideal freezer stash would contain several varieties.
  10. i'd say move.
    Theres tons of bud on LI if you look around you can find way better prices then that.
  12. Bulk? Oz and above

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