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My dealer says he only sells in bulk. how much is bulk?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by DankSmoker2181, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. i asked my old dealer who quit for a few month's. in the summer i bought half oz to a oz. but now in the winter i got less money so i usually buy a 8th to a quarter. how much is bulk to you. would you buy more at one time. i like buying less now these day's because i won;t get tolerant to one strain. if i got a oz i would get board smoking the same dank every day for a month. should i stick to my current dealer?  and buy less. what is your thought's.

  2. See how their weed and prices compare
  3. i get a 8th from my current dealer for 60 and a quarter for 110. 
    my old dealer's prices were 120 quarter , 200 half , 325 oz 
    the only difference of my new dealer that he doesn't sell over a half oz.
  4. so whats the problem? you get your quarters 10$ cheaper and you said you wanted to buy less at a time so why would it matter if he wont sell you over a half oz?
  5. [quote name="DankSmoker2181" post="19374062" timestamp="1390230517"]i get a 8th from my current dealer for 60 and a quarter for 110. my old dealer's prices were 120 quarter , 200 half , 325 oz the only difference of my new dealer that he doesn't sell over a half oz.[/quote]I say fuck them both and find some better prices lolSent from my SPH-L710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. buying in bulk is a bargain but it's just too much weed. The longer it sits the more it's going to dry out. I'd prefer buying 1/8 or 1/4 and try different strain each time.
  7. He probably means atleast an ounce, but you might be able to get a half. I would get a half ounce from him if he has better weed, but if the other guy has dank buds too you should just get the quarters.
  8. #8 DankSmoker2181, Jan 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2014
    ok , do you think he would sell to me when it becomes summer and i get more money to buy a half or more.thanks
  10. Damn, if its not a dime sac he's just being a dick..
    That's what I'm saying , $60 bucks is a good amount of money i would have to work like 5 hours for that money. he makes more money selling smaller amount's to. and i pick it up , he doesn't deliver. 
  12. 60 for an 1/8th? fuck that. that better be some swazi gold or some shit
  13. i live on long island , so price's suck for the best of weed around here
  14. I think you should be asking your dealer that question... he's the one that said it in the first place so what really is "bulk" is up to him.
  15. I hate dealers like that. Anyway, he probably means he will only you at least a quarter or if he's pretty up there on the chain atleast half oz to straight up pounds. So don't even think about askin for any thing less. I'd stick with who will be more reliable. The one being, who will sell you whatever amount. Because people who sell in bulk want to see big numbers $$$. So anyone who wants to cop more bud than you, that person will always be his first priority not you. You can never have to many connects though. So keep both. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  16. #16 snoopdog6502, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    Don't bring nothing smaller than $100 bills.
    Not everybody wants to mess with some chump change weed fiend.
  17. #17 aPersonUponaHill, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
    Stay in school, go to English class every time. Quit smoking weed.
  18. [quote name="aPersonUponaHill" post="19396736" timestamp="1390546277"]Stay in school, go to English class every time. Quit smoking weed.[/quote]Lmao I love you stranger friend. I <3 hobbit weed
  19. If you weed ever drys out you can always throw in an orange peel for a few days and it will make it a tad moist just a little quick fix for ya if you ever have that problem.
    Yeah man, i used that a few times, worked a treat.

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