fri i had got drunk smoke couple joints with a friend between like 4-5 people. Ithere any way to help clear my sytstem iv been drinking water cranberry juice and taking water pills and one a day mens i hadnt smoked a full month prior and work out n ride my bicycle daily so any chance that the thc would be out my system in a weeks time? if i keep at it n sweating n drinking the juice and water sorry if this is against rules been a long time sense iv posted on other news the other drama in my life iv posted before had has all come to almost a complete end and i get to finish the parenting plan for my son
Hm, ok. You could always try that niacin shit as well, though from what I know it's none too comfortable.
i thought about it may do it starting tomarrow cuz ill be round wal mart but if ill be okay with the excercise n not really smoking i may not go that route im just paranoid person when it comes to these type of things
nothing personal your very unhelpful goat man other then my spelling do you have somthing to add? if not okay well then weve bothed wasted time then by typing pointless stuff.....
Take 8-10 500mg niacin at least the night before the test. Piss at home first thing in the morning. And drink at least 32oz of water with the pills. Oh and you might want to take a sleeping pill to sleep through the burn. But it's not to bad. 2 years of occasional dodging test from the state can't be wrong.
I hear that smoking once if your system is already clean it should be out of you easily in a week. That is if you don't have a high body fat percentage. Keep drinking though man.. Keep drinking..
masturbate as much as u can because thc is cum soluble ....if u want u can save the cum and smoke it in the future when its dry.
Your going to be all good especially if you haven't smoked in a month, though I'd also recommend drinking pomegranate juice as well it helps clean for systems very quickly
if you hadn't smoked in a month & you're somewhat healthy, which it sounds like you are, you should be fine if you: - keep drinking a great deal of water & cranberry juice - & these water pills, which i am interesting in finding/looking into! - niacin might not be a bad idea. & you should be fine. you're on the right track man. best of luck!
[quote name='"Stoniecat"']Take 8-10 500mg niacin at least the night before the test. Piss at home first thing in the morning. And drink at least 32oz of water with the pills. Oh and you might want to take a sleeping pill to sleep through the burn. But it's not to bad. 2 years of occasional dodging test from the state can't be wrong.[/quote] Please do not take 8-10 niacin at a time. I've taken 2 at a time and they made me itchy as shit for the remainder of the day.
well its last fri i smoked the 2 joints a month prior i hadnt so i hace confidence so thank you everyone pray i make it and ill do the same for you ill prolly stick to 2-3 nicacin pills tho n milk jugs of water the night before if i can n a fresh piss in the morning so most of the piss i take should be water
I use to be made to have drug tests every fortrnight and i use to smoke at least twice in each fortnight and passed every time so you got nothing to worry about. One of my tests i had smoked a couple of fat joints with a friend (about an eight) the day before my test and i still passed. I got a fast metabolism though if that has anything to do with it.