my crop (pics)

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by firsttimer420, May 6, 2005.

  1. hey all wassup, Finally finished my crop so I aint high for awhile..... heres 1 pic of a few of the buds hanging, its the only pic thats the right size to post and i dont have any programs to resize the rest, this is about 1/4 of the bud i got.... half pound went quick as shit.

    Attached Files:

  2. noice. that looks like it will be some good smoke when its dry and cured up.

  3. very nice, btw, are u using xp, if so just right click and press edit, then images in the toolbar then stretch, and change to 30% instead of 100, usually works for me :)
  4. nah Im using windows 98, Im still running a 433 mhz comp, it would explode if I tried to install XP, only got 128 ram too... but my next crop will buy me a decent computer ;) its amazing how fast a half pound goes...... i have no weed for awhile =( anyone wanna mail me a ounce or 2? =P
  5. only one photo? :( aaaa
    we want more pls :hello:

    peace out
  6. good grow mate, now ya can get very high :) :)

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