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My cousin is pissing me off...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Civico, May 15, 2011.

  1. She always wants to smoke weed with me in the least appropriate times, she never has money, so its always on me, she doesnt have cigs, so they are on me, and then she proceeds to insult my medicine? ....:mad:

    just wanted to share that with you guys.
  2. If she insults your "medicine" then tell her to bring her own, show you what the "Good Medicine" is.
  3. im not saying mine is good or nothing, but the bitch doesnt even have medicine, she should be grateful that she got some >.>
  4. [ame=]YouTube - "Oh no she didn't!"[/ame]
  5. #5 fucking baked, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2011
    winsest that shit up and tell her to get her own shit. proceed to steal that shit and when she asks if you know what happened to it reply "yeah i smoked the whole bag and didnt even get high looks like you got some straight down town brown REEGGGIEEESS!!"

    give her a taste of her own medicine, or in this case not giving her a chance to taste her own medicine.
  6. Tell her to bring her own shit or STFU and stop being a mooch.
  7. plant drugs on her and have her arrested, then say "ha! You insulted my weed but my weed got you back hoe"

    Then slam the prison phone down and walk out
  8. Roll up cat shit and give it to her
  9. fill a joint with some of your pubes and the shittiest dirtiest schwag you can get, then spit on it and roll it all up nicely. here you go cuz, how's that for some medicine? then tell her what you did to it after she's smoked it if you want. lol I couldn't bare being around someone like that, I'd just straight up tell her to fuck off.
  10. tell her to get some herself. your weed. u dont need to share anything
  11. I hope you have a real medical need if you're calling it peeve of mine. Otherwise it's just a drug, not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Anyways, just stop providing for her and tell her to shut the fuck up.
  12. Its a drug either way, and i hope your not mean or stupid enough to do any of the thing's these animals have said to do to her.
  13. just . stop . smoking . with . her .
  14. Tell her a knock knock joke.

    "Knock knock."
    "Who's there?"
    "Fuck off!"
  15. when she says something about your weed just be like will i guess you dont have to smoke any of it since it so shitty? see what she says i bet she will be like oh no its good come on lets smoke!then you deny her and say get your own shit mooch and walk out flicking her off and laughing.

    or you could piss her off more and tease her with her high. just give her like a couple hits of reggies then put it away lol,

  16. My friends brother has MS and glaucoma and doesn't have a medical card.

    Is it not a medicine for him either...? Ignorant
  17. When did I say anything about a card? I said a need, and your friend's brother has one. Talk about ignorant...not me in this case dude. Look in a mirror ;)

    EDIT: Just to spell it out for your poor comprehension skills, I was talking about people who use it solely for recreation yet call it medicine. I also didn't say non-medical use was bad, in case you try to say I did. I know a lot of people, myself included, who live in States without MMJ laws who use it as medicine.
  18. Stop fucking calling it your medicine. It's your drugs no ifs ands or buts about it. And if she's pissing you off by being such a mooch tell her you won't smoke her out until she matches. But she is a woman, she doesn't know what bringing her own weed is.
  19. go chris brown on her
  20. If she wasn't your cousin, I would expect her to be putting out for mooching weed.

    Well I guess the cousin thing isn't a big deal if you're from somewhere down south ;)


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