My closet Grow!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by xmelanko, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. [​IMG]

    Thats my grow room set up in my closet!


    my two plants, there use to be more but never sprouted =/ but they are about 5 days old each but imma put 2 or 3 more

    well thats my set up hehe
  2. Try to get the light closer, so they dont strech so much.

    Lookin good tho.
  3. yeah, give them much light, or they want to grow very looong
  4. 6 days later! my plants are looking pretty healthy. just wondering when do i nute them?

    plant one, pretty small and petit

    plant two, its stretched out because it was part of my first grow and i left it by the window and 3 days later i came back and i was gonna trash my first grow and i realize that he sprouted so i just put it under the lights thast why its so long

    both plants
  5. YOu can still put the lights closer.. do you notice how the stems are really tall and lanky looking? They are streching to get more light.. move them closer and you will have closer nodes/budsites.

    You don't need to nute yet. I would give them at least 3 weeks before feeding them.
  6. I agree. You need to put the light MUCH closer.

    Put your hand under the lamp.
    Feel where it is comfy 75-80 degrees or so.
    Probably it is not more then 1 inch away from the plant.
  7. I agree. You need to put the light MUCH closer.

    Put your hand under the lamp.
    Feel where it is comfy 75-80 degrees or so.
    Probably it is not more then 1 inch away from the plant.
  8. oh i removed the lights away so i can take picture but its about 2 inches from the tallest plants =)

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