Haha dude I got a CHINCHALLA man xD this little dudes bad ass he's funny as fuck too:b his names pepper(x She's pretty cool:b Also the family dog, shayla they just straw at eachothcer xD
Lol nice dude ive been meaning to get me a chinchilla but theyre just so pricey T_T damn those cute little fatties!
HOLY SWEET FACK! I would shoot that thing if i seen one on my yard. Pretty cool though it's like a giant hamster. How does the dog like it?
if its in your room get ready to adjust to sleeping through the ruckus a chinchilla makes at night hahaha but they are so awesome.... dust baths... best...shit....ever
My dogs get along with her lol and AAAAHHHH sleeping is hard trust me she keeps me up all night lmao Dx