My buddy, the spider

Discussion in 'General' started by lisharichelle, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. This is a prime example of how much smoking has mellowed me out.

    I used to be the most uptight, bug-hater ever. If it was in my sight of view, it would be squished/sprayed immediately, no questions asked.

    About 5 days ago I saw this spider in my bedroom window. I started watching it, and all of a sudden it started RUNNING across the window, jumped, and attacked a moth. We've had an insane moth problem this summer, with sometimes as many as 30 in the house at one time.

    So I decided to let the spider live. Now I see him everyday. Sometimes he's on the outside of the window, sometimes he's inside, and sometimes he's in between. It's like we have a mutual understanding. He stays on the window, he doesn't get sprayed.

    I love my spider. I think I'll name him Aster.
  2. Me and my cat fuck sometimes when I blaze?

    Cool story bro.
  3. good to hear. a pet peeve of mine is people who kill bugs in their house like theyre out for blood or something. they're just strivin and survivin like we all are yo
  4. I'm a huge arachnophobic and I doubt I could ever bring myself to befriend a spider.
  5. Fuck spiders!!!!
  6. If this is true thats pretty cool. Spiders kill the more pesky bugs
  7. Spiders are arachnids.
  8. lol reminds me of 1 fly once.... he woke me up in the morning on a day I planned to wake'n'bake (by flying around my face for long while) and when I woke up he was hanging around on the screen/near the keyboard while I was gettin high :smoke:
  9. ..... Oh really? :rolleyes:
  10. Did you know a 'bug' is actually a term for insects that suck? Literally suck not like earwigs or something.
  11. Looks like you left your God complex behind. Good job.
  12. Dude i've killed 3 spiders at my work while I was taking a shit and they were plotting against me and shit falling from the ceiling, they fucking hate me but fuck em...
  13. Idk man when I see spider I get adrenalin pumping and kill those fuckers out of fear. thats only when it's in my house or room though. theres been some scary ass spiders coming through lately lol, sometimes I have to get elaborate and shit in my spider wars. (Vaccuum lol.) I've blazed a few spiders out though when burning outside with friends and noticing them in their circle web things. They really do seem to get high lol.
  14. They loved you until you killed their family. They will parade your corpse along the streets of mexico.
  15. Fuuuck that. I hate spiders, high or not. We have a big brown recluse problem here, and sometimes black widows.
  16. #17 skiibo, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Kind of... "true bug" is the term given to members of the order hemiptera. This includes bedbugs, aphids, water bugs, cicadas, and a few others. They all have a mouth structure referred to as sucking mouthparts (side note: I'm typing this on my phone and it changed "sucking mouthparts" to "fucking nudists") but many other insect with the same structures are in other orders.
  17. that woulda been cool as fuck to see... jus sayyin lol.
  18. Respect all living organisms.
  19. Grasscity is filled with spider haters! So many spider-hate threads in General lately...

    Yeah, but fuck spiders. They scare the shit out of me. I don't trust things with venom living inside my house.


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