My brother found my weed and flushed it down the toilet

Discussion in 'General' started by ilovethewalkingdead237, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Okay. Two days ago I bought an 8th, $40. Prob smoked .5 of it, if not less. So let’s just guess I have 3 grams of weed. My friend made a run over to my house the night I bought some weed and we smoked a little together. After he left, I stuck my pot (in a pill bottle) in a bathroom in my house that only I use.. the shower in therr is broken so I put it in there rq, no one ever uses it.

    So this morning I wake up to some angry text messages from my brother, who is 27 years old (28 in less than a week) mind you.. So my brother still lives with me and my dad, I’m 19 and off to college next month. Anyway, I wake up to some angry texts from my mother about how I’m a liar and how I need to keep my shit out of the bathroom, blahblahblah. He claimed he had a migraine (he’s a hyphocondriac who always has health issues, migraines quite often) and he said the smell of my weed made him sicker and made him puke.. that’s so fucking dumb.

    So this jackass proceeds to get all of my fucking weed, at least $30 worth, and flushes it right down the fucking toilet. He’s 27 years old and throwing a hissy fit over some pot I had to store in my bathroom that he never even uses for a little bit. I am beyond fucking pissed. I told him to pay me back and he says he will.. just sigh. Very frustrating.

    What should I do? I have about $30 that my mom gave me to get food and stuff for a while (my mom doesn’t live with me). I had $100 total and $40 of that went to weed.. should I buy more or just wait a while?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Life choices
    Only you can answer that
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  3. Well, one note is that I can confirm if he's having a real migraine and you have stanky weed, it could make him puke. Any strong stimuli make me want to die when I'm having one, flavor, light, smell, sound, temperature change...

    A second note being both of you are under parents rules in that house and if all your parents are asking is to keep it out of the bathroom then just keep it in your room, logic right there

    If you hide it because they don't want it in the house at all, you're SOL.
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  4. My parents have caught me before but didn’t really do much. They just told me not to smoke. Well, my mom didn’t even say that. She just told me not to drive while stoned. So it’s mainly an issue with my brother here.
  5. The issue is you're both in your parents house

    If they side with your bro you can only move out or deal with it

    I would wager from your mom calling you a liar this isn't the first time this type of issues has arisen

    You'll be out of there in college soon.... Then you can make the rules in some sense or another
  6. Not cool man! what a waste of weed smh. I am glad all my brothers and sisters are not like that. Feel sorry for you tho. I hope you find more and maybe get a better hiding place for it as well.

    Best of luck.
  7. Ahhhhh....brotherly
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. OP, everything you typed shows that regardless of the ages mentioned, you and your brother are 12 year old girls. Because that's what you're both acting like. And your questions are questions a 12 year old girl would ask. You have a little money for food, and you're spending it on weed and thinking you need to now use more of it to buy weed? But don't you need that for food? lol And why would you keep weed in a pill bottle, in a shower, in a restroom anyone in your house has access to, even if they don't always use it? That's what they call bad decision making, my friend.

    Keep your shit somewhere safe, hidden in an area only you control and it wont get flushed. Only buy weed you can afford to (right now, you can't). Honestly, you sound like a little weed fiend too, OP.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Make him pay you the other 30 dollars then go and get the exact same deal then you can burry it in the garden or somewhere very secretive under clothes. That sounds like a dumb place to put it in the bathroom. And before you have a smoke session take out what you need and burry the weed in the pill bottle so no one sees where you hide it.

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  10. Your brother sounds like a turd you should of said you had a Quarter so then you'd of got more weed outta him
  11. You should get a safe or something and don't tell anyone the combination. Keep your weed in there...
  12. Nah I’ve got plenty of food at my house, my dad just went to the store today. It’s just money for if I want to hang out with friends. Probably going to get a job whilst I’m in school so I don’t have to worry about this kind of things.
  13. [​IMG]





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  14. Lol those are good ideas but if you are like my husband and I we get too much weed to fit in those little things :confused_2:
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. He's 28 lives at home and doesn't smoke weed?
    If he's actually sorry I wouldn't even make him pay me back, since it's sort of your fault for leaving it in the bathroom. That sucks though dude. Buy a safe. Maybe try smoking with your brother too. I get migraines that make me puke and want to die and if I can manage to get some weed in my body it really helps, and I get them alot less often when I'm smoking regularly
  16. Apologize to your brother for making his headache worse. Store your pot in a smell proof jar in a place no one will come across and why are you making a big deal over 3 fucking grams of pot?
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. True but It will do for this guy though he some kid worried about his brother stealing his stash it's ideal.

    But I bet like me you and your husband use jars to store the bud in properly because we won't have to worry about older brothers flushing weed lol

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  18. lol yep all my siblings smoke as well we share with eachother & stuff just have to keep it away from the kids is all.
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  19. Shoulda told him to smoke it. It may have helped the migraine
  20. And also itd prolly just be best to not smell the house up like weed if its not your house. Just to avoid conflict and getting your weed flushed, lmao

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