My bitch is a hermaphrodite!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by aerohead, May 10, 2007.

  1. this is what i think it is, right?? its my only plant and my first, fucking A. what should i do with it?? grow it out and harvest it?? im really bummed out bout this. think it was caused by light leaks through my inlet and exhaust fans.


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  2. Yep, you got yourself a hermie.

    If it's the only plant you have, you might as well grow it out. Free seeded bud is better than no bud at all....
  3. Start now by pulling them, seemed to have helped me in reducing the overall numbers.
  4. Unfortunately thats a natural/genetic hermie, means you didn't do anything wrong. Grow it out, smoke the weed and trash any seeds as they will be worthless hermies. If these were bagseeds then I wouldn't try growing anymore seeds from that bag of weed.

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