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Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by South, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. After reading countless posts, I just completed my first BHO run. Here's what I got.

  2. you can't see pic?! :/
  3. maybe he d0n't know what bho is
  4. looks kinda dark, but that could just be because it's rolled up

    either way, I'm sure it gets you baked. have fun
  5. I agree it is too dark, next time try purging at a lower temperature.
  6. cool, thanks for the tip.

    think the fact that I had it all on the blade of a box cutter before I heated the cutter with a lighter and allowed it to drip down to wax paper might have made it darker? it was a bit lighter and more transparent before that.

    when it ends up dark like this, does that effect potency? or is it more of an aesthetic defect?
  7. [quote name='"South"']

    cool, thanks for the tip.

    think the fact that I had it all on the blade of a box cutter before I heated the cutter with a lighter and allowed it to drip down to wax paper might have made it darker? it was a bit lighter and more transparent before that.

    when it ends up dark like this, does that effect potency? or is it more of an aesthetic defect?[/quote]

    If its because of the temp then some terpenes were lost probly but the effectiveness will still b there
  8. it can be other things than purge temp. whether its an indica or sativa dominant strain will have an effect on color with indicas generally being darker. Also could be if the buds were flowered longer than usually with moslty amber trichs.

    From the pic, it looks like the oil is amber and not brown/green so your okay in my book :bongin:

  9. ForumRunner_20121231_205302.png




  10. Cool, thanks for the knowledge.

    I think it could be the light. I noticed once i held it closer to the light I could see how transparent it really is.

  11. Oh, also, I used shake from about 20 different strains to make this, so sure there's some indicas in there, ha.

  12. Just out of curiousity, how much did you run/yield?

    Whenever I've made BHO in the past I've always used large quantities (pounds) of some 'meh' bud but right now I've got about 5 grams of some fire shake I'm gonna make something with
  13. I used 3 grams and got .3 g of final product.
  14. experimental results indicating the bud is 10% THC?

    I forget how the math works there
  15. Try freezin your herbs before blastin

    My method is freezing jared buds or trim for 24 hours nd blast into a pyrex pan nd give the butane a few seconds to separate nd then put the pan in warm water

    I only blast in dry pyrex WITHOUT warm water pan nd after the blast i put it in warm water

    I used to used warm water when i first started nd i like the results with using it after the extraction

    But this is what mine look like from doing all the stuff i explained, made it just yesterday

    I let most of my bubbles pop on their own nd start poppin em myself nd scrape it all around the pan nd then scrapin it up nd jarring it ready for dabs

    Then to make a nice budder whip it up in the container for a couple minutes then i put the jar of bho float on hot water OR let it sit on my warm computer tower

    But this is what mine look like from doing all the stuff i explained, made it just yesterday

  16. I hope you arent using actual wax has some type of coating on the paper that can get into your errl. You need to use parchment paper.

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